Examples of Original Signature Date in a sentence
Typed Name of CFO/Treasurer Original Signature Date use BLUE or RED ink only NJHT Representative Signature Date Vendor ID # GO # 022-8049800- LN 1 $ .
The County Manager will also appoint employees to fill vacancies that occur due to an insufficient number who seek election to the Board.
The Commitments evidenced by this Agreement shall not be assignable, in whole or in part, by Parent without each Investor’s prior written consent and the Company’s prior written consent, and the granting of such consent in a given instance shall be solely in the discretion of such Investor (in the case of the Investor) and shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed in the case of the Company, and, if granted, shall not constitute a waiver of this requirement as to any subsequent assignment.
SLO/ASLO Original Signature: Date: Typed Name, Title, Agency:National Environmental Policy ActNational Park Service-Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance ProgramCategorical Exclusions for Which a Record is NeededNote: The following are the NEPA Categorical Exclusions approved for use with all NPS programs.
The Supplier warrants that the Guarantee has been duly executed and delivered to HSBC on or before the Original Signature Date.
The parties acknowledge that, as at the Original Signature Date or Restatement Date, there are no Assets transferring to the Supplier.
SLO/ASLO Original Signature: Date: Typed Name, Title, Agency: National Environmental Policy ActNational Park Service-Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance ProgramCategorical Exclusions for Which a Record is NeededNote: The following are the NEPA Categorical Exclusions approved for use with all NPS programs.
The permit-to-work shall authorize and indicate who, when and how the activities will be carried out with precautionary measures in order to ensure that the job is completed in a manner to prevent HSE incidents.
One hour online focus group sessions were organized on 8 dates in May (2, 3, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24 & 25 May).
SLO/ASLO Original Signature: Date: _ Typed Name, Title, Agency: National Environmental Policy ActNational Park Service-Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance ProgramCategorical Exclusions for Which a Record is NeededNote: The following are the NEPA Categorical Exclusions approved for use with all NPS programs.