Other capital project definition
Examples of Other capital project in a sentence
She said that the Board was working with GAD on a number of consultations and had advised GAD that FRAs and elected members were trying to agree to mid-long term financial forecasting and that FRAs would be sent further information as soon as possible.
Other capital project expenditures identified for the FY 2017-2018 budget included: a potential fiber optic cable project, updates to the audio-visual booth due to operational issues, capital outlay for Local Law Enforcement vehicle amortization, $450,000 for the replacement of Fire Engine 19, $170,000 for the remount of an existing rescue vehicle and equipment for the Public Works department.
In addition to the routine review of inspection findings there will be situations which will trigger re-assessment of sites including:• Change of use of surrounding land (introduction of new receptors);• The potential for pollutant linkages to become significant or urgent as a result of unplanned events (e.g. flooding, subsidence, spillages etc), or a change in circumstances;• Identification of a localised effect which could be associated with the land;• Responding to new information.
Other capital project investments made during the fiscal year were $589,948 from the Public Facilities Capital Fund for elevator repairs in various City buildings, $1,454,224 from the Public Safety Capital Fund for upgrades to the public safety radio system, $1,846,473 from the Original Walker-Grant Capital Fund for school renovations, and $1,260,453 for the renovation of the former General District Court building for the relocation of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.