Other financing institution definition

Other financing institution means any bank, company, institution, cor- poration, union, or association de- scribed in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act.[56 FR 3201, Jan. 29, 1991; 56 FR 10302, Mar. 11,1991; 74 FR 17373, Apr. 15, 2009] § 1410.3 Calculation and reporting of premiums due.(a) Reporting. For purposes of com- puting premiums, each insured bank shall, without limitation, report all in-12 CFR Ch. XIV (1–1–15 Edition)formation concerning the insured bank; each direct lending association that is receiving (or has received) funds provided through the insured bank; and each other financing institution that is receiving (or has received) funds pro- vided through the insured bank; that the Corporation determines is nec- essary in order to compute the pre- miums due under the Act.(b) Calculating the premium payment for periods from July 1, 2008 through De- cember 31, 2008. (1) The premium pay- ment for the 3rd Quarter 2008 (defined for purposes of this section as the pe- riod from July 1, 2008 through Sep- tember 30, 2008) and the premium pay- ment for the 4th Quarter 2008 (defined for purposes of this section as the pe- riod October 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008) shall be equal to 25 percent of the amount computed by applying the premium calculation formulas con- tained in sections 5.55 and 5.56 of the Act (unless reduced by the Corporation acting under section 5.55(a)(3) of the Act or under paragraph (d) of this sec- tion) to the insured bank during the 3rd Quarter 2008 or 4th Quarter 2008, re- spectively.(2) In accord with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the premium payment for the 3rd Quarter 2008 (having been re- duced by the Corporation acting under section 5.55(a)(3) of the Act) shall be equal to 25 percent of the following amount:
Other financing institution means any bank, company, institution, corporation, union, or association described in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act. [56 FR 3201, Jan. 29, 1991; 56 FR 10302, Mar. 11, 1991; 74 FR 17373, Apr. 15, 2009]§1410.3 Calculation and reporting of premiums due.(a) Reporting. For purposes of computing premiums, each insured bank shall, without limitation, report all information concerning the insured bank; each direct lending association that is receiving (or has received) funds provided through the insured bank; and each other financing institution that is receiving (or has received) funds provided through the insured bank; that the Corporation determines is necessary in order to compute the premiums due under the Act. (b) Calculating the premium payment for periods from July 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.
Other financing institution means any bank, company, institution, corporation, union, or association described in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act.

Examples of Other financing institution in a sentence

  • Subpart P of part 614 is revised to read as follows: Subpart P—Farm Credit Bank and Agricultural Credit Bank Financing of Other Financing InstitutionsSec.614.4540 Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.614.4550 Place of discount.614.4560 Requirements for OFI funding relationships.614.4570 Recourse and security.

  • Revise § 614.4540(c) to read as follows: [*29863]§ 614.4540 -- Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.* * * * *(c) Underwriting standards.

  • Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.

  • Subpart P--Farm Credit Bank and Agricultural Credit Bank Financing of Other Financing Institutions § 614.4540 -- Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.

  • Originating System institution, with respect to a securitization, means a System institution that: (1) Directly or indirectly originated the underlying exposures included in the securitization; or (2) [Reserved] Other financing institution (OFI) means any entity referred to in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Farm Credit Act.

  • The members of the appointments and remuneration committee will be appointed by the board of directors, with regard to their knowledge, skills and experience and the functions of the committee.

More Definitions of Other financing institution

Other financing institution means any bank, company, institution, cor- poration, union, or association de- 12 CFR Ch. XIV (1–1–07 Edition)scribed in section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act.[56 FR 3201, Jan. 29, 1991; 56 FR 10302, Mar. 11,1991] § 1410.3 Calculation and reporting of premiums due.(a) Premium base. For purposes of computing the annual premium, each insured bank shall:

Related to Other financing institution

  • banking institution means a bank, bank and trust company, trust company, savings bank, private bank, or a national banking association, organized and doing business under the provisions of any law of this state, or of any other state of the United States, or under the provisions of any law of the United States of America.

  • Lending institution Any insurance company, federally insured commercial or savings bank, national banking association, savings and loan association, credit union, employees’ welfare, pension or retirement fund or system, corporate profit sharing or pension trust, college or university, endowment fund, real estate investment trust, or other institutional lender or financial enterprise, including, without limitation, any corporation qualified to be treated for federal tax purposes as a real estate investment trust, having a net worth of at least $50,000,000 acting on its own behalf or as agent on behalf of other Lending Institutions.

  • Sending institution means the institution of higher education of most recent previous enrollment by a transfer student at which transferable academic credit was earned.

  • Eligible lending institution means a financial

  • credit institution means a credit institution as defined in point (1) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013;

  • Other Financing shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 5.6(ii) hereof.

  • Qualifying Institution means the United States office of a commercial bank or trust company organized under the laws of the United States of America or a political subdivision thereof, or a foreign bank, having assets $10,000,000,000 (net of reserves) and a credit rating on its long-term senior unsecured debt of at least "A" from S&P and "A2" from Moody's.

  • your financial institution means the financial institution nominated by you on the DDR at which the account is maintained.

  • credit institutions means credit institutions as defined under Directive 2006/48/EC;

  • Refinancing Lender means, at any time, any bank, other financial institution or institutional investor that agrees to provide any portion of any Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness pursuant to a Refinancing Amendment in accordance with Section 2.28; provided that each Refinancing Lender (other than any Person that is a Lender, an Affiliate of a Lender or an Approved Fund of a Lender at such time) shall be subject to the approval of the Administrative Agent and each Issuing Bank (in the case of Other Refinancing Revolving Commitments or Other Refinancing Revolving Loans) (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), in each case to the extent any such consent would be required from the Administrative Agent and each Issuing Bank (in the case of Other Refinancing Revolving Commitments or Other Refinancing Revolving Loans) under Section 10.4(b) for an assignment of Loans or Commitments to such Refinancing Lender.

  • Participating institution means an "institution" as defined in KRS 164.001 that actively participates in the federal Pell Grant program, executes a contract with the authority on terms the authority deems necessary or appropriate for the administration of its programs, and:

  • Selling Institution The entity obligated to make payments to the Issuer under the terms of a Participation Interest.

  • Custodial Institution means any Entity that holds, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of others. An entity holds financial assets for the account of others as a substantial portion of its business if the entity’s gross income attributable to the holding of financial assets and related financial services equals or exceeds 20 percent of the entity’s gross income during the shorter of: (i) the three-year period that ends on December 31 (or the final day of a non-calendar year accounting period) prior to the year in which the determination is being made; or (ii) the period during which the entity has been in existence.

  • Refinancing Trust Has the meaning specified in the Intercreditor Agreement.

  • Receiving Institution The college or university where a transfer student plans to enroll and to apply previously earned credit toward a degree program.

  • Submitting Institution An organization who submitted a genomic dataset to an NIH-designated data repository (e.g., dbGaP).

  • Minority institution means an institution of higher education meeting the requirements of Section 365(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067k), including a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education, as defined in Section 502(a) of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1101a).

  • Training Institution means the Grantee.

  • Refinancing Mortgage Loan Any Mortgage Loan originated in connection with the refinancing of an existing mortgage loan.

  • UK Financial Institution means any BRRD Undertaking (as such term is defined under the PRA Rulebook (as amended from time to time) promulgated by the United Kingdom Prudential Regulation Authority) or any person falling within IFPRU 11.6 of the FCA Handbook (as amended from time to time) promulgated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, which includes certain credit institutions and investment firms, and certain affiliates of such credit institutions or investment firms.

  • Approved Financial Institution means any bank approved by Exchange in accordance with its credit review procedures or policies;

  • Financial institution means a Bank, Development Finance Institution, Non Banking Finance Company, Modaraba or an institution registered under relevant laws to provide financial services within or outside Pakistan.

  • Eligible Financial Institution means, as of the date of any assignment as contemplated in Section 8.07(a)(i), a commercial bank or financial institution (i) with a credit rating on its long-term senior unsecured debt of either (a) “AA-” or better from S&P or (b) “Aa3” or better from Xxxxx’x; and (ii) having shareholders' equity of not less than $5,000,000,000.

  • Additional Refinancing Lender has the meaning set forth in Section 2.15(a).

  • foreign financial institution means an institution registered as a foreign financial institution with the Ministry of Finance in the Mexican Banking and Financial Institutions, Pensions, Retirement and Foreign Investment Funds Registry for purposes of Article 195, Section I of the Mexican Income Tax Law.

  • Participating Financial Institution means a financial institution participating in Interac e-Transfer Services, Online Payment Services, or Western Union Services, as the case may be.