Other Water Bodies definition
Examples of Other Water Bodies in a sentence
The Joint Application for Proposed Work on Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies is considered Form 270.
This analysis also incorporates by reference all information and mitigations contained in the Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana's Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains and Other Water Bodies, Granite County 310 permit, Montana DEQ 318 short term turbidity permit and 401 Water Quality Certification and the US Army Corps Of Engineers 404 authorization.
Total building setback equals at least 200 feet from each side of a perennial stream.• Other Water Bodies: A minimum of 100 feet of vegetated buffer, plus 30 additional feet of building setback.
Two philanthropy pilot program classes are taking place this semester and two more will be funded in the spring.
Permits – Prepare Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana’s Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies for floodplain permit and potentially for SPA 124 Permit and 318 Authorization dependent upon final project scope and activities.
Final plans cannot be approved until all necessary on-site and off-site sanitary sewer easements have been submitted, approved and recorded (see aAppendix B for a sample easement form).Section 805: Sewers in Relation to Streams, Lakes and Other Water Bodies Section 805.01.
Regulatory agencies and adjacent landowners will be informed via the Joint Application for Work in Montana’s Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies and/or the DNRC Right of Way Easement process.
This analysis also incorporates, by reference, information contained in the Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana's Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains and Other Water Bodies and associated reference sheets 1-4 and the Wetlands and Stream Delineation Report performed by HDR Engineering.
The proposed change in appropriation right will not require a Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit or a Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana’s Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies application for a 310 permit, 404 permit or 318 authorization because it does not involve any construction or streambed modifications.