Our System definition
Examples of Our System in a sentence
Our Connection Works form part of Our System under the Heat Supply Agreement.
You require Our consent to move, relocate or otherwise interfere with Our System or Heat Supply Assets.
We will charge You Our reasonable costs of any associated repair or replacement if You damage Your Meter, Our System or Heat Interface Unit.
For example, We might require a part that is not available at the time of Our attendance or We may have to carry out works to other parts of Our System.
This may arise for several reasons including: • where We are required to Interrupt Heat Supply to comply with law; OR • where We have to resolve an Event Outside of Our Control; OR • where You breach this Contract; OR • where the Heat Supply is disconnected pursuant to paragraph 16; OR • where We consider it is necessary for the safety and security of any person or property; OR • where We undertake maintenance to Our System; OR • where there is damage to Our System.