Tank system definition

Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.
Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and contain- ment system.
Tank system means a dangerous waste storage or treat- ment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and contain- ment system.

Examples of Tank system in a sentence

  • SPS 305.88 Tank system tightness testers.SPS 305.89 Cathodic protection specialties.

  • SPS 305.86 Underground tank system liners.SPS 305.87 Tank system removers and cleaners.

  • Tank system components and con- tainment systems shall be compatible with the substance stored in the tank system.

  • Tank system tightness testing with inventory reconciliation controls [REVOKED] [Source: Amended at 9 Ok Reg 2305, eff 6-25-92; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3705, eff 7-11-94;Revoked at 18 Ok Reg 2378, eff 7-1-01] 165:25-7-23.

  • Tank system equipment must be either made of or lined with materials that are compatible with the petroleum stored in the UST system.

More Definitions of Tank system

Tank system means a tank, connected piping, ancil- lary equipment and containment system, if any.
Tank system means a storage tank or a set of manifolded storage tanks containing gasoline at a gas dispensing facility.
Tank system means a storage tank or a set of manifolded storage tanks containing gasoline.
Tank system means one or more Storage Tanks, with at least one Produced Oil Storage Tank, that share a common Vapor Control System. The “Tank Systems” that are subject to this Consent Decree are listed in Column one of Appendix A, which lists all Tank Systems on Well Pads operated by XTO on the FBIR as of the Date of Lodging.
Tank system means one or more AIRS Tanks, and any other interconnected tank (e.g., produced water tank), that share a common Vapor Control System.
Tank system means one or more tanks that store Condensate and share a common Vapor Control System. The Tank Systems that are subject to this Decree are identified in column one of Appendix A.
Tank system means one or more atmospheric storage tanks that store Condensate, and any other interconnected tank (e.g., produced water tank), and that share a common Vapor Control System. The Tank Systems that are subject to this Decree are identified in Appendix A.