Out of Specification definition

Out of Specification means a result that is not within the Specifications, whether these are qualitative or quantitative.
Out of Specification or “OOS” means a confirmed result that falls outside the Specifications.
Out of Specification or “OOS” shall mean all test results that fall outside the Specifications.

Examples of Out of Specification in a sentence

  • Fiber test results submitted to the Engineer that exceed the max attenuation loss specification will be identified as Out of Specification.

  • Any Out of Specification (OOS) or Out of Trend (OOT) results will be investigated.

  • Out of Specification Milk that does not meet the Required Specifications.

  • Out of Specification (OOS) An examination, measurement or test result that does not conform with pre-established specification requirements established by the relevant Party.

  • If however the milk is collected and found to be Out of Specification, the price paid for Out of Specification Milk will be 50% of the Base Milk Price.

More Definitions of Out of Specification

Out of Specification or “OOS” means failure of API to meet the API Specifications.
Out of Specification. (OOS): Refers to a test result which is not within the specified range for that parameter.
Out of Specification or “OOS” means any quality control test result that fails to meet defined and approved specifications.
Out of Specification or “OOS” shall have the meaning set forth in the Quality Agreement.
Out of Specification means the case where the test result deviate from the predetermined specification.
Out of Specification. (OOS) shall mean a result that falls outside of the test’s acceptance criteria (e.g. criteria established in filed applications, approved marketing submissions, official compendia, or by the manufacturer or the customer).
Out of Specification means a result that falls outside the Product Specifications, or Raw Material that does not meet Raw Material Specifications, or any other component thereof that does not meet specifications established in a regulatory filing provided to Lifecore, official compendia, or controlled document.