Project Manual definition
Examples of Project Manual in a sentence
Insurance ATTACHMENT D: BGS Additional Terms and Conditions for Construction Renovation ATTACHMENT E: General Conditions for Construction Contracts ATTACHMENT F: Project Manual Technical Specifications Note: If projects are combined the work items associated with each will need to be shown separately on any plans/documents.
City staff shall also incorporate the DP’s review comments discussed at the 80% Design Workshop for final development of the Project Manual (specifications), including the standard “front end” documents and Divisions 1 through 16 (CSI format).
Information regarding existing conditions may also be included in the Project Manual, but shall not be considered part of the Contract Documents.
Address review comments received from the City related to the 100% design completion submittal and prepare final Construction Contract Documents, including rehabilitation drawings, maps, schedules, and Project Manual, sealed by a registered professional engineer licensed in the State of Missouri.
Project Manual - A volume or volumes usually assembled to describe the work which may include bidding requirements, sample forms, the Contract, and specifications.