Outdoor burning means open burning or burning in an outdoor wood-fired furnace.
Outdoor burning means the combustion of material of any type in an open fire or in an outdoor container without providing for the control of combustion or the control of emissions from the combustion. For the purpose of this rule, "outdoor burning" means all types of outdoor burning except agricultural burning and silvicultural burning. [RCW ((70.94.6511)) 70A.15.5000]
Outdoor burning means the combustion of material in an open fire or in an outdoor container, without providing for the control of combustion or the control of the emissions from the combustion. Wood waste disposal in wig- wam burners or silo burners is not considered outdoor burn- ing.
Examples of Outdoor burning in a sentence
Outdoor burning of any kind shall be prohibited within the Subdivision unless approved by the Association.
Outdoor burning of any material other than untreated wood or yard wastes is prohibited within the Town of Hartland, in accordance with 10 VSA #2645.
Additional revenue is received through developer agreements and federal grants provide funding that are used for providing additional fire equipment and infrastructure that helps NTFPD in working to achieve the NFPA 1710 standards.
Outdoor burning is prohibited in Sunriver, and only gas or electric cooking devices or those approved by the Sunriver Fire Chief may be used outside.
Outdoor burning is prohibited at all times, except for grilling and contained fire pits.
More Definitions of Outdoor burning
Outdoor burning means the combustion of material in an open fire or in an open container, without providing for the control of combustion or the control of the emissions from the combustion.
Outdoor burning means open burning or burning in an outdoor wood-fired boiler or patio wood burning unit.
Outdoor burning means the combustion of material of any type
Outdoor burning. Means all forms of burning except those listed as exempt in WAC 173-425-020.
Outdoor burning means combustion of material outside with or without a receptacle, with the exception of small recreational fires burning clean wood, construction site heating devices using liquid or gaseous fuels to warm workers or equipment, safety flares used to combust or dispose of hazardous or toxic gases at industrial facilities, or burning in a furnace, multiple chamber incinerator or wood waste burner.
Outdoor burning means the combustion of any material directly in the open air without a receptacle, or in a receptacle other than a furnace, multiple chambered incinerator, or wood waste burner, with the exception of unexploded ordnance, small recreational fires (including bonfires), construction site heating devices used to warm workers, or safety flares used to combust or dispose of hazardous or toxic gases at industrial facilities, such as refineries, gas sweetening plants, oil and gas wells, sulfur recovery plants or elemental phosphorus plants.
Outdoor burning means open burning, recreational fires, or patio wood burning unit.