Examples of Output measures in a sentence
Output measures, such as number of students enrolled in an early learning program, provide valuable information about the early implementation stages of a project.
Output measures measure workload and efforts and should be the third priority.
Output measures are used to assess workload and the agency's efforts to address demands.
Output measures are indicators that count the goods and services produced by an individual or agency.
Measure definitions are as follows:o Workload measures describe a quantity of work performed.o Output measures specify quantity or number of units produced.
Output measures demonstrate performance in terms of the quantity or volume of services provided, e.g., the number of clients served, number and types of services, etc.
Output measures: Applicants shall maintain a record of all clients served and services provided.Outcome measures: Applicants shall utilize measurement tools by which effectiveness of the services may be determined.
Output measures only meet the standards of a Yes answer if the program can produce sound justification for not adopting outcome measures.
Output measures, including domestic sales, exports, and exports to particular markets in which TBTs are to be studied.
Output measures for many USGS programs include the number of peer-reviewed publications.