Examples of Over 55 years of age in a sentence
FIdURE 24 Significant Findings Based on Age Regarding Whether Selected Issues Are Problems in Leelanau County Under 40 years 40-55 years Over 55 years of age of age of age (n = 79) (n = 96) (n = 139) Major Not a Major Not a Major Not a Prob.
Significant Findings Based on Age Regarding Importance of Selected Actions Under 40 years 40-55 years Over 55 years of age of age of age (n 79) (n 96) (n 139) Very Not Very Not Very Not Imp.
FIGURE 23 Significant Findings Based on Age Regarding Whether Leelanau County Should Take Selected Actions Under 40 years 40-55 years Over 55 years of age of age of age (n = 79) (n = 96) (n = 139) Yes, with Yes, with Yes, with - Inc.