Final average salary definition
Final average salary means whichever of the following is greater:
Final average salary means the amount calculated by averaging the highest three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (3)(a), (b), and (c).
Final average salary means the salary or the average of salaries used in computing a retirement allowance, as set forth in the retirement system plan.
Examples of Final average salary in a sentence
Final average salary is the average of the highest three years of salary.
Final average salary equals the average salary for the final three years of service prior to retirement (or highest three years’ compensation if other than the final three years).
Final average salary is the average of the wages earned in the three highest consecutive years.
Final average salary is the average of the wages earned in the five highest consecutive years.
Final average salary is the average of wages earned in the three highest consecutive years.
More Definitions of Final average salary
Final average salary means the average of the five (5) highest annual salaries
Final average salary means the average of the five highest annual salaries which the member has received for service in a covered position and on which the member has made contributions or on which the public board, institution or agency has picked up the member contributions. For a member who retires after attaining age 55 with 27 years of service, “final average salary” means the average of the three highest annual salaries.
Final average salary means the average paid gross salary of the firefighter for normally scheduled hours over the highest salaried thirty (30) consecutive months of the last sixty (60) months of credited service. Gross salary shall not include payment for accumulated sick or annual leave upon termination of employment, any uniform allowances or any other compensation for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. Only salary on which the required contributions have been made may be used in computing the final average salary. Effective January 1, 1988, gross salary shall include any amount of elective salary reduction under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Gross salary shall include any amount of elective salary reduction under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any amount of nonelective salary reduction under Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Effective July 1, 1998, for purposes of determining a member’s compensation, any contribution by the member to reduce his regular cash remuneration under 132(f)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be treated as if the member did not make such an election. Only salary on which required contributions have been made may be used in computing final average salary.
Final average salary means the monthly average of an employee's compensation during the period of 60 consecutive months (or optionally, 36 consecutive months) when they were highest, contained within the last 120 months of Credited Service.
Final average salary means the average paid gross salary
Final average salary means the average of the highest annual compensation received for covered employment by the member during any five consecutive plan years within the member’s last 10 years of service while employed, prior to any disability payment. If the member did not have annual compensation for the five full plan years preceding the member’s attainment of normal retirement age and during that period the member received disability benefits under this article, then "final average salary" means the average of the monthly salary determined paid to the member during that period as determined under §16-5V-19 of this code multiplied by 12. Final average salary does not include any lump sum payment for unused, accrued leave of any kind or character.
Final average salary means the average of the five (5) highest annual salaries which the member has received for service in a covered position and on which the member has made contributions, or on which the public board, institution, or agency has picked-up member contributions pursuant to KRS 161.540(2), or the average of the five (5) years of highest salaries as defined in KRS 61.680(2)(a), which shall include picked-up member contributions. Additionally, the board of trustees may approve a final average salary based upon the average of the three (3) highest salaries for members who are at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have a minimum of twenty-seven (27) years of Kentucky service credit. However, if any of the five (5) or three (3) highest annual salaries used to calculate the final average salary was paid within the three (3) years immediately prior to the date of the member's retirement, the amount of salary to be included for each of those three (3) years for the purpose of calculating the final average salary shall be limited to the lesser of: