Owner or Keeper definition
Examples of Owner or Keeper in a sentence
Change of Owner or Keeper of Licensed Dog; Dog Brought Into Methuen 395 Section 23-8.
An application submitted after the required one (1) year wait requirement shall be processed as a new application; however, the new application shall denote the history of any prior requests, prior denials, or prior revocations associated with the Owner or Keeper of the animals or the premises.
An animal impounded due to an absence of the Owner or Keeper, as described in this division, shall be held for a period of time not less than ten (10) calendar days unless earlier reclaimed by the Owner or Keeper, or the Owner's/Keeper’s agent, or euthanized as allowed by this chapter.
Wild animals with any type of traceable identification shall be held for a period of time not less than five (5) business days, or not less than five (5) business days from the time the Owner or Keeper is notified, whichever is the shorter time period, unless earlier reclaimed by the Owner/Keeper, or the Owner's/Keeper’s Agent, or euthanized as authorized by this chapter.
An animal Owner or Keeper of an animal commits a Class C misdemeanor criminal offense if by act, omission, or possession he or she creates an animal nuisance by violating any provision of this division.
Any animal that is impounded a third-time in any consecutive (12) month period shall be sterilized, at the Owner’s or Keeper’s expense, prior to the Owner or Keeper reclaiming the animal.
Reclaiming in general.The Owner or Keeper, or Owner’s agent / Keeper’s agent, of any domestic animal or other animals under certain circumstances, may regain possession of the impounded animal by reclaiming the animal upon compliance with the conditions set forth in this division.Conditions for reclaiming an animal.
Hence, they confirm our estimates are consistent with our main findings when we isolate the impact of unobserved time varying factors using years of field activities as an instrument.
An Owner or Keeper of an animal which has been involved in a local rabies control incident, or any other person having knowledge of the local rabies control incident, shall immediately notify the Local Rabies Control Authority (Animal Services Manager).
The patent for the machine was issued in mid-2015; however, the commercialized model itself did not use the vacuum.