Examples of Ownership Committee in a sentence
Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention, which Norway is bound by,1 also implies a duty to prevent conditions resembling a monopoly in the media market.2 In 1995 the Media Ownership Committee (NOU 1995: 3 Mangfold i media) investigated what consequences a concentration of ownership might have for the freedom of expression.3 On the basis of the committee's recommendations, the Government proposed in Odelsting Proposition No. 30 (1996-97) to introduce legislation regarding ownership of the media.
Bargaining Unit Members must submit an inquiry to the Copyrights and Patents Ownership Committee (the "Committee") to ascertain whether any Inventions or Materials created or to be created by a Bargaining Unit Member with JCCC resources of any kind will be considered College Supported.
Ask to become an Owner and receive approval from the Ownership Committee.
Yang Guoping (楊國平) holds 14,229,800 shares in Shanghai Dazhong Business Management Employee Share Ownership Committee* (上海大眾企業管理有限公司職工持股會) (the “Employee Share Ownership Committee”), representing 9.55% of the total number of shares of the Employee Share Ownership Committee.
For example, in some investor companies, voting analysis and voting recommendations are considered by a permanent Responsible Ownership Committee comprised of senior investment analysts and fund managers.
The Student Computer Ownership Committee shall consist of Five (5) members elected by the Academic Faculty;One (1) Student of freshman standing elected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association; One (1) other Student elected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association;One (1) representative from the Office of Information Technology; One (1) representative from the Georgia Tech Computer Store; andOne (1) representative from Auxiliary Services representing the Residential Networking group.
The National Beneficial Ownership Committee (which is coordinated by UGEITI) was created to influence and monitor reform to fight corruption through the disclosure of beneficial owners of companies operating in Uganda.
The Ownership Committee of Major League Baseball and any successor body thereto.
To achieve this, the Executive Board established the Ownership Committee in January 2015.
Chair of the Ownership Committee and of the Risk and Investment Committee of the Executive Board.