1. The Major League Executive Council shall be composed of the Commissioner and eight Club members, four from each League. The Club members shall be appointed by the Commissioner and ratified by the vote of a majority of the Major League Clubs. Club members shall serve a four-year term, with the term of one member from each League expiring annually. The Commissioner may designate a substitute or alternate to serve at any meeting of the Council in the absence of any member of the Council. The Commissioner and five other members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. Each member of the Council shall have one vote. In the case of a division within the Council, the decision of a majority shall be controlling and final. The Commissioner shall have authority, solely and finally, to determine and decide all jurisdictional questions.
THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Executive Council will be composed of a President and four Counselors representatives from Full Members States. The President and the Counselors will perform functions for a four-year term.
1. To enforce the compliance of Resolutions made by the General Assembly and contribute to their execution.
2. To submit to the General Assembly the working program and the budget of the Organization for the following period.
3. To submit to consideration of the General Assembly the agenda for the next Ordinary Session.
4. To submit to the General Assembly, met in Ordinary session, the report of activities carried out during the previous year.
5. To make the necessary arrangements to obtain a suitable funding that allows the efficient operation of the Organization and submit the financial statement of the previous year to the General Assembly for consideration.
6. To give opinion regarding the regulation drafts that will be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration and approval.
7. To elaborate the necessary regulations for its own operation informing this to the General assembly in the following Session.
8. To appoint and remove the General Secretary at the suggestion of the President of the Organization.
9. To invite to whom it considers necessary to participate in the activities of the Organization.
10. To carry out the functions assigned to it by the General Assembly.
THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Article 14. The Executive Council shall be the governing body responsible for supervising the implementation of the decisions of the Assembly of Heads of State and/or Government. It shall be composed of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Member States or any other Minister designated by the Member State.
Article 15. The Council shall be responsible for ensuring the proper functioning and development of the Community. To this end, and save as otherwise provided in the Treaty, it shall :
a. make recommendations for the approval of the Conference on any action designed to achieve the objectives of the Community within the framework of the general policy and broad guidelines laid down and adopted by the Conference;
b. submit to the Conference the draft budget of the Community and propose to it the annual contribution of each Member State:
c. shall prepare complementary programmes and plans for the development of the Community;
d. endorse the recommendations and work of the Sectoral Ministerial Committees or any subsidiary bodies which may be set up under this Treaty and submit them to the Conference for approval;
e. prepare the sessions of the Conference of Heads of State and/or Government;
f. propose the agenda of the Conference.
Article 16. The Executive Council shall meet in ordinary session two (2) times a year. One of its sessions shall precede the ordinary session of the Assembly. It may be convened in extraordinary session on the initiative of its Chairman or at the request of a Member State, subject to the approval of such request by an absolute majority of the Member States. The deliberations of the Executive Council shall be prepared by the Committee of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives assisted by experts. The Executive Secretariat shall be represented at meetings of the Committee of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives. The Committee shall adopt opinions by an absolute majority of its members present and forward them to the Council. The Presidency of the Council shall be held by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Member State whose Head of State and/or Government holds the Presidency of the Conference.
Article 17. The Executive Council shall take decisions and deliberate by consensus. In the absence of consensus, it shall deliberate by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the Member States present and voting. The Executive Council may also formulate recommendations and give opinions in accordance with its competences contained i...
THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Composition, Procedures and Decision-making
27. The Executive Council shall consist of 51 members. Each State Party shall have the right, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, to serve on the Executive Council.
28. Taking into account the need for equitable geographical distribution, the Executive Council shall comprise:
a) Ten States Parties from Africa;
b) Seven States Parties from Eastern Europe;
c) Nine States Parties from Latin America and the Caribbean;
d) Seven States Parties from the Middle East and South Asia;
e) Ten States Parties from North America and Western Europe; and
f) Eight States Parties from South-East Asia, the Pacific and the Far East. All States in each of the above geographical regions are listed in Annex 1 to this Treaty. Annex 1 to this Treaty shall be updated, as appropriate, by the Conference in accordance with paragraphs 23 and 26 k). It shall not be subject to amendments or changes under the procedures contained in Article VII.
29. The members of the Executive Council shall be elected by the Conference. In this connection, each geographical region shall designate States Parties from that region for election as members of the Executive Council as follows:
a) At least one-third of the seats allocated to each geographical region shall be filled, taking into account political and security interests, by States Parties in that region designated on the basis of the nuclear capabilities relevant to the Treaty as determined by international data as well as all or any of the following indicative criteria in the order of priority determined by each region:
(i) Number of monitoring facilities of the International Monitoring System;
(ii) Expertise and experience in monitoring technology; and
(iii) Contribution to the annual budget of the Organization;
b) One of the seats allocated to each geographical region shall be filled on a rotational basis by the State Party that is first in the English alphabetical order among the States Parties in that region that have not served as members of the Executive Council for the longest period of time since becoming States Parties or since their last term, whichever is shorter. A State Party designated on this basis may decide to forgo its seat. In that case, such a State Party shall submit a letter of renunciation to the Director-General, and the seat shall be filled by the State Party following next-in-order according to this sub-paragraph; and
c) The remaining seats allocated to each geog...
THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL to on completion of I would like to know more about the benefits of belonging to the Union: