Approved activity means an event, a tour, or a meeting:
Interconnection Activation Date means the date that the construction of the joint facility Interconnection arrangement has been completed, trunk groups have been established, joint trunk testing is completed and trunks have been mutually accepted by the Parties.
Activation or "mobilization," which means the call-up of a national guard or reserve service member to extended active-duty status. For purposes of this definition, "mobilization" does not include national guard or reserve annual training, inactive duty days, or drill weekends; or
Deactivation means the retirement or mothballing of a generating unit governed by Tariff, Part V.
Increased Facility Activation Notice means a notice substantially in the form of Exhibit B-1.
licensed activity means any activity or activities listed in section 21 of the 2010 Act which is, or are authorised under the licence;
Covered Activity means any activity in which a Covered Person must be engaged when a Covered Accident occurs in order to be eligible for benefits under the Policy. These Covered Activities are listed in the Schedule of Benefits and described in the Hazards section of the Policy.
FTR Net Activity means the aggregate net value of the billing line items for auction revenue rights credits, FTR auction charges, FTR auction credits, and FTR congestion credits, and shall also include day-ahead and balancing/real-time congestion charges up to a maximum net value of the sum of the foregoing auction revenue rights credits, FTR auction charges, FTR auction credits and FTR congestion credits.
Covered Active Duty means (1) in the case of a member of a regular component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country; and (2) in the case of a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country under a call or order to active duty (or notification of an impending call or order to active duty) in support of a contingency operation as defined by applicable law.
Activation Date means the date upon which MLBFS shall cause the WCMA Line of Credit to be fully activated under MLPF&S' computer system as part of the WCMA Program.
Excluded Downtime has the meaning set forth in Section 2 below.
Switched Access Service means an offering of facilities for the purpose of the origination or termination of traffic from or to Exchange Service customer in a given area pursuant to a Switched Access tariff. Switched Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 800 Series, and 900 access. Switched Access does not include traffic exchanged between LECs for purpose of local exchange interconnection.
Custom Local Area Signaling Service Features (CLASS) means certain call-management service features that are currently available from SBC-13STATE’s local networks. These could include: Automatic Call Back; Automatic Recall; Call Trace; Caller Identification and related blocking features; Calling Number Delivery; Customer Originated Trace; Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting; Selective Call Forward; and Selective Call Rejection.
Deactivation Date means the date a generating unit within the PJM Region is either retired or mothballed and ceases to operate.
Reactivation means the process whereby an inactive licensee obtains a current license.
Fugitive dust emissions means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading areas, process areas, stockpiles, stock pile working, plant parking lots, and plant roads (including access roads and haul roads).
Activation Notice have the meanings ascribed thereto in Annex C.
Service Switching Point (SSP) means the telephone Central Office Switch equipped with a Signaling System 7 (SS7) interface.
School-Sponsored Activity means any activity conducted on or off school property (including school buses and other school-related vehicles) that is sponsored, recognized or authorized by the Board of Education.
Optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement Traffic is traffic that under an optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement chosen by the Customer terminates outside of the Customer’s basic exchange serving area.
Service Switching Point (SSP) is a telephone central office switch equipped with a Signaling System 7 (SS7) interface.
Service Activation Date means the same as Activation Date.
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) is an optical interface standard that allows inter-networking of transmission products from multiple vendors. The base rate is 51.84 Mbps (“OC-1/STS-1”) and higher rates are direct multiples of the base rate, up to 13.22 Gbps.
Co-curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that:
Gross beta particle activity means the total radioactivity due to beta particle emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
Service Drop means a cable that, by its design, capacity and relationship to other cables of the Company, can be reasonably considered to be for the sole purpose of connecting backbone of the Equipment to not more than one individual customer or building point of presence or property.