Examples of Panel Chairman in a sentence
Independent Panel Members shall be appointed by the Panel Chairman.
In the event that the number of individuals nominated to serve as Unassociated Retailer Panel Members is two (2), one (1) or nil (0) for the following two-yearly period, the Panel Chairman shall appoint one (1), two (2) or three (3) additional Panel Members as appropriate to fill the number of vacancies who must be Qualified and have specific expertise in the provision of retail services in utilities markets.
Upon receipt of the notice of application, the Judicial Panel Chairman will select a Regulatory Commission to deal with the application.
The Panel Chairman will distribute all materials submitted on behalf of, and in response to, the appeal to all panel members, and shall use reasonable efforts to assure that the appellant and all persons who make an appearance obtain, and have an opportunity to respond to, submitted materials.
If neither the Panel Chairman nor his alternate is present at the meeting within half an hour of the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Panel Members present may appoint one of their number to be the chairman of the meeting.
The Transporters shall appoint by notice to the Secretary (and as the case may be, remove and reappoint) a one (1) person, from time to time, as the Panel Chairman and one (1) person, from time to time, as the deputy Panel Chairman.
In the event that the number of individuals nominated to serve as Unassociated Retailer Panel Members is two (2), one (1) or nil (0) for the following two-yearly period, the Panel Chairman shall appoint one (1), two (2) or three (3) additional Panel Members asappropriate to fill the number of vacancies who must be Qualified and have specific expertise in the provision of retail services in utilities markets.
The fees and expenses of the Grievance Panel Chairman, where one is required, shall be borne equally by the parties to the grievance.
Guo, A.S. Bhalla, and L.E. Cross, “Dielectric dispersion at microwave frequencies of some low loss mixed oxide perovskites,” Ferroelectrics Letters Section 35 (3-4) 79-85 (2008).
If he is unable to be present at a meeting, he may appoint an alternate (who shall be a senior employee of The Company) to act as the Panel Chairman, who may or may not be a Panel Member.