Paper Bill definition

Paper Bill. – means the hard copy or Paper Bill copy of your bill, requested to be posted to your Home.
Paper Bill means any Prescription not submitted on-line by a Participating Pharmacy (e.g., paper claims by Injured Workers, non-participating pharmacies and Third Party Billers).

Examples of Paper Bill in a sentence

  • Pay Tel concurs with the proposed $2.00 Paper Bill Fee recommended by Staff.150 The Commission reaffirms the $2 maximum fee for paper billing statements requested by customers of prepaid and direct-billed ICS in lieu of the electronic bill statement.

  • Please be advised that the premium adjustment may reflect an increase.For Paper Application: Please check here: Paper check is attached or Credit card information provided.Ongoing Payment Options if paying by paper check or credit card for initial payment (please select one option only)Monthly Paper Bill: Yes, I am submitting a paper check (or have selected the credit card option) for my initial payment.

  • You will not be charged for bills, unless You require a Paper Bill copy (excluding disabled or disadvantaged customers).

  • If you register for Email Bill, you may also receive an SMS Bill and may no longer receive a Paper Bill.

  • For overviews of the new regime, see Hamish C Stewart, Sexual Offences in Canadian Law (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2016) (loose-leaf updated 2016 release 21), ch 5:500.20 [Stewart, Sexual Offences]; Canada, Department of Justice, “Technical Paper: Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act” (Ottawa: DOJ, 10 March 2015), online: <> [“Technical Paper”].

  • We may also charge you for the following, in advance or otherwise, where applicable, including but not limited to: Connection Charges, Initial Payment Charges, Usage Charges, Access Charges, Cancellation Charges, Paper Bill Fee, Itemization Fee and other Miscellaneous Charges.

  • ABM Paper Bill Payment means: making bill payments at an Instabank machine by inserting a bill stub.

  • MET Project Research Paper, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, January 2013 (with Thomas Kane, Daniel McCaffrey, and Trey Miller).

  • This option provides the customer a Standard Paper Bill in hard copy.

  • Once the Billing is what you need, press the 1) Create Bill button to update the Guest information and create a Paper Bill on your Default 8.5 X 11 Printer.

Related to Paper Bill

  • Substitute Commercial Paper Dealers means such Substitute Commercial Paper Dealer or Dealers as the Corporation may from time to time appoint or, in lieu of any thereof, their respective affiliates or successors.

  • Commercial Paper Dealers means Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and such other commercial paper dealer or dealers as the Corporation may from time to time appoint, or, in lieu of any thereof, their respective affiliates or successors.

  • Recyclable paper bag – means a paper bag that is 100 percent recyclable and contains at least 40% post–consumer recycled content, and displays the words “recyclable” and “made from 40% post-consumer recycled content” in a visible manner on the outside of the bag

  • Commercial Paper Rate means: (1) the

  • Certified scale weigh ticket means a weigh ticket that has been issued by a

  • Copper Loop is a stand-alone local loop comprised entirely of copper wire or cable. Copper Loops include two-wire and four-wire analog voice-grade copper Loops, digital copper Loops (e.g., DS0s and integrated services digital network lines), as well as two-wire and four-wire copper Loops conditioned to transmit the digital signals needed to provide digital subscriber line services, regardless of whether the copper Loops are in service or held as spares. The copper Loop includes attached electronics using time division multiplexing technology, but does not include packet switching capabilities.

  • Municipal Finance Management Act means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);

  • Real-time System Energy Price means the System Energy Price resulting from the Office of the Interconnection’s dispatch of the PJM Interchange Energy Market in the Operating Day.

  • National Assembly (“Cynulliad Cenedlaethol”) means the National Assembly for Wales;

  • Acceptable earned value management system means an earned value management system that generally complies with system criteria in paragraph (b) of this clause.

  • Commercial Paper Notes means any short-term promissory notes issued by or on behalf of a Conduit Lender with respect to financing any Loan hereunder.

  • Urban Enterprise Zones means a zone designated by the New Jersey Enterprise Zone Authority pursuant to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zones Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27H-60 et. seq.

  • Eligible production company means that term as defined under section 455 of the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1455.

  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) indicator means a four-character suffix to the unique entity identifier. The suffix is assigned at the discretion of the commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity to establish additional System for Award Management records for identifying alternative EFT accounts (see subpart 32.11) for the same entity.

  • international voyage means a voyage from a country to which the present Convention applies to a port outside such country, or conversely.

  • Conifer means a tree that is a Douglas-fir, true fir, pine, western hemlock, spruce, or cedar.

  • Boathouse (NR 115.03(1h)) means a permanent structure used for the storage of watercraft and associated materials and includes all structures which are totally enclosed, have roofs or walls or any combination of these structural parts.

  • Flexographic printing means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate by means of a roll printing technique in which the pattern to be applied is raised above the printing roll and the image carrier is made of rubber or other elastomeric materials.

  • Bidder/Bidding Company means Bidding Company submitting the Bid. Any reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company/ including its successors, executors and permitted assigns as the context may require”.

  • Public Finance Management Act ’ means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999);

  • Dispatch Rate means the control signal, expressed in dollars per megawatt-hour, calculated and transmitted continuously and dynamically to direct the output level of all generation resources dispatched by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the Offer Data.

  • Clear coating means a transparent coating designed to provide the final gloss and resistance properties of the coating system;

  • Close financial association means an association in which the person filing shares significant financial involvement with an individual and the filer would reasonably be expected to be aware of the individual's business activities and would have access to the necessary records either directly or through the individual. "Close financial association" does not mean an association based on (i) the receipt of retirement benefits or deferred compensation from a business by which the person filing this statement is no longer employed, or (ii) the receipt of compensation for work performed by the person filing as an independent contractor of a business that represents an entity before any state governmental agency when the person filing has no communications with the state governmental agency.

  • International Financial Institution means any bank in the top 1,000 (together with their affiliated companies) as measured by "Tier 1" capital or any broker/dealer in the top 100 as measured by capital.

  • Corporation/ Corpn./ Department means the Central Warehousing Corporation.

  • Earned value management system means an earned value management system that complies with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748.