Part 115 definition
Examples of Part 115 in a sentence
By executing this Agreement, the Parties, with a majority vote by their respective Legislative Body, agree, acknowledge, and declare that each participating County shall be and is the designated the CAA for all purposes under Part 115 and for all purposes in MMP process, including the right to receive State and other funding.
Alpena County, Alcona County, Iosco County, Montmorency County and Oscoda County now wish to enter into this Agreement to provide for and effectuate the process of a Part 115 Multi- County MMP consistent with the terms and provisions set forth below and otherwise consistent with the Act and Part 115.
The content of the Multi-County MMP under this Agreement shall be consistent with Part 115, and as specifically set forth at MCL 324.11578.
The DPA shall work with and take direction from the appointed Materials Management Planning Committee (“MMP Committee”) as set forth in Part 115.
The Parties hereto agree and acknowledge that the MMP process requires the establishment of an MMP Committee as set forth under Part 115, at MCL 324.11572.
By executing this Agreement, the Parties, with a majority vote by their respective Legislative Body, agree and acknowledge that the current Chairperson of the Legislative Body from Alpena County (or designee) shall be and is the DPA for all purposes under Part 115 and for all purposes in the MMP process, including the right to contract for appropriate services as determined to be necessary and appropriate.
The purpose shall also include complying with the Part 115 requirements for the development, submittal, approval and subsequent administration of a fully approved Multi-County MMP that complies with the requirements of Part 115.
Certifying the goals and objectives of the Multi-County MMP under this Agreement shall be consistent with Part 115, and as specifically set forth at MCL 324.11582.
The DPA, in consultation with the MMP Committee, shall conduct meetings at least once per calendar month with the CAA’s to implement the Multi-County MMP process and to comply with the substantive and procedural requirements set forth under Part 115.
Each Party, with review and approval by their respective Legislative Body, shall allocate $70,000.00 of the year one (1) State and grant funding received by that Party under Part 115 at MCL 324.11587 to that Party’s designated County Approval Agency (“CAA”) as established herein.