Partial Interest definition
Examples of Partial Interest in a sentence
Amortization Type Amortizing Full Term Interest Only Partial Interest Only Current Index The published Index that is effective on the Business Day immediately preceding the applicable Rate Change Date.
Armstrong Coal’s payment of the five percent (5%) per ton royalty shall completely satisfy the Earned Royalty obligations owed for both Cyprus Creek’s #9 Owned Partial Interest Tracts being leased herein and the #9 Leased Premises being subleased herein.
For information on the circumstances underThis method capitalizes the net income from the property at a rate that represents a fair return onLife or Terms ofYears, Remainders, andwhich a charitable deduction may be allowed forthe donation of a partial interest in property not in trust, see Partial Interest in Property Not inthe particular investment at the particular time, Reversions Trust, later.considering the risks involved.
Each Partial Interest Amount is determined as above on the basis of the product of the relevant Interest Rate, the Calculation Amount Interest Portion and the Day Count Fraction, unless a Partial Interest Amount (or a formula for its calculation) is specified in respect of such period and Calculation Amount Interest Portion.
For the purposes of calculating compliance with financial covenants, a Partial Interest shall sometimes be expressed as a percentage interest in the underlying Income Producing Property.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Terminals LP Partial Interest of the OLP unto WNGL LLC, its successors and assigns, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, subject, however, to the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement, forever.
You haven't contributed an undivided part of your entireinterest and can't deduct your contribution.• A partial interest that would be deductible if transferred to certain types of trusts.• A qualified conservation contribution (de- fined later).For information about how to figure the value of a contribution of a partial interest in property, see Partial Interest in Property Not in Trust in Pub.
For avoidance of doubt, the following are not included in this Scope of Work: ● Adding annotations directly on deed images within Company Platform o As described in Section 2.3, Company will copy deed images to Assessor Network drive from which Megabyte can read, but Company can assist in the editing or annotation of the images ● Extraction of Partial Interest percentages o Customer will use Company’s Partial Interest module to transfer ownership.
Patch hereby agrees to grant to Xxxxxxxxx the right to earn the Partial Interest.
However, Investors in a Sub-Fund other than a Partial Interest Sub-Fund may pass a resolution (approved by Unit Holders in that Sub-Fund that hold at least 75% of the Units on issue in that Sub-Fund) requiring the Trustee to terminate the Sub-Fund and sell the Underlying Asset.