Section 4.2 Sample Clauses
Section 4.2. 1.II Dispute Resolution Procedures is amended to insert the following paragraph to Section 4.2.1.II.A.(4): The Formal Dispute Process set forth in this section II(B) does not apply to formal disputes arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement. Formal disputes between the Contractor and the Authorized User arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement are to be handled in accordance with the process specified by the Authorized User for disputes. See Section 6.12 Mini-Bid Dispute Resolution Process.
Section 4.2. 36 The Association shall be notified by the District of any grievances or disciplinary action of any 37 employee subject to the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the 38 Discharge and Grievance Procedure Articles contained herein. The Association is entitled to have an 39 observer at hearings conducted by any District official or body arising out of grievance and to make 40 known the Association's views concerning the case, provided that an observer for the Association may 41 attend such hearings only with the permission of the affected employee.
Section 4.2. 5 The Association shall promptly be notified by the District of any grievances or disciplinary actions of 6 any employee in the unit in accordance with the provisions of the Discharge and Grievance Procedure
Section 4.2. 47 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 48 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington.
Section 4.2. 19 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 20 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 State 21 Organization.
Section 4.2. 14 The Union shall be notified by the District of any grievances or disciplinary actions of any employee 15 subject to the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Discharge and
Section 4.2. 12 The Association shall promptly be notified by the District of any disciplinary actions of any employee in 13 the unit in accordance with the provisions of Articles XV and XIX. The Association is entitled to have an 14 observer at hearings conducted by any District official or body arising out of grievance and to make 15 known the Association's views concerning the case.
Section 4.2. 25 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with 26 the other party to advise, discuss, or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not covered 27 by this Agreement. 28
Section 4.2. 12 The Association shall promptly be notified by the District of any disciplinary actions of any employee 13 in the bargaining unit in accordance with the provisions of the Discharge and Grievance Procedure
Section 4.2. Union shall promptly be notified by the District of any disciplinary actions of any employee in the 32 an observer at hearings conducted by any District official or body arising out of grievance and to make 33 known the Union’s views concerning the case.