Participating Bidders definition
Examples of Participating Bidders in a sentence
Participating Bidders will get mail intimation from Tata Power E-Tender system (Ariba) when their Technical Bids are opened.
Each Customer Physical Settlement Request submitted to a Participating Bidder must be, to the best of the relevant customer's knowledge and belief, on the same side of the market as, and (when aggregated with all other Customer Physical Settlement Requests, if any, submitted by such customer and/or the Affiliates of such customer to one or more other Participating Bidders) not in excess of, such customer's Market Position.
Each Dealer Physical Settlement Request must be, to the best of the relevant Participating Bidder's knowledge and belief, on the same side of the market as, and not in excess of, the Market Position of such Participating Bidder and/or the Affiliates of such Participating Bidder.
Transactions entered into by and between Participating Bidders pursuant to Market Position Trades or Matched Limit Order Trades will not be conducted or effected by, or through, any Administrator.
If a Participating Bidder becomes aware that its Valid Physical Settlement Request (without regard to the Customer Physical Settlement Requests that formed a part of such Participating Bidder's Valid Physical Settlement Request) is on the opposite side of the market from, or is greater than, such Participating Bidder's Market Position, such Participating Bidder will immediately notify the Administrators and will submit a corrected Physical Settlement Request.
The Administrators will publish the results of any vote of the Participating Bidders with respect to the declaration of a Materiality Event (including the vote cast by each Participating Bidder participating in such vote) on their respective websites.
The Treasury Department and the IRS have determined that section 965 clearly allows deficits in effectively connected E&P to be included in an E&P deficit foreign corporation’s specified E&P deficit.
Otherwise, the Administrators will not re- calculate the Open Interest or the Auction Final Price, all Auction Covered Transactions will settle according to the Auction Final Price published by the Administrators, and all Participating Bidders will be required to comply with the terms of the Market Position Trade or Matched Limit Order Trade, as applicable, if any, of which the relevant Valid Physical Settlement Request forms a part.
Participating Bidders will get mail intimation from TPWODL E-Tender system (Ariba) when their Technical Bids are opened.
Following the initial publication of the list of Participating Bidders but prior to the Auction Date, the Administrators may publish revisions to such list to add further Participating Bidders or remove previously included Participating Bidders.