Examples of Participation in management in a sentence
Participation in management committees provides parents a mechanism for them to assert their preferences over the school’s operational decisions and policies, and make schools more accountable.2 Their participation allows them to directly monitor principal and teacher effort as well as overall school performance and provides a feedback mechanism for them to voice any concerns.Specifically, we study the impact of an effort to increase parental participation in school management in rural Mexico.
Participation in management is always encouraged and the employees are provided with means and opportunities to have access to and to express their wishes and recommendations to the senior management.
Add the following as a new second paragraph in the Management Strategies Development and Implementation section: Participation in management strategies or participating in the achievement of outcomes is expected to will vary by signatory, based on differing priorities across the watershed.
Issue of general policy directions; Issue of specific directions; Approval or veto of specified categories of actions and policies; Participation in management as chairman, member of the board, etc; Appointment of government board and top officials of the enterprises; Power to call for reports, returns, etc.
Participation in management bodies of other legal entitiesFrom Other information:Participatory interest in the authorized capital of the issuing credit institutionPercentage of ordinary shares held in a subsidiary or affiliate of the issuing credit institutionPositions held in the past five years (in chronological order): no other positions held, besides those occupied for the past 5 years.
Participation in management processes has been a goal of integrated assessment and management for some years now [Rotmans, 1998].
This includes for example Preparation of technical-operational work instructions for the legally compliant execution of services Participation in management system audits (ISO, HSEQ, Risk Management, etc.) With 310 trainees in 25 professions, Apleona is an attractive company for apprenticeships in technical, industrial and commercial professions in Germany.
Participation in management of other companies or cooperatives as procurator (authorised signatory), general manager or Board member.The person is obliged to notify in writing the General Meeting of Shareholders, respectively the Supervisory Board, when these circumstances arise after its election as a Board member.The Board members /individuals and individuals representing legal entities/ and the procurator (authorised signatory) of the Company shall be obliged:1.
Participation in management decisions can improve company performance by aligning monetary consideration between manager and shareholders (Posner, 2009).
Benefits of partial ownership: • Participation in management of the project• Shared ownership of Africa ONE’s unsold excess capacity• Control of the pricing of excess capacity• Share of other revenues generated by Africa ONE system.• Restoration revenues• Part-time service revenues The Africa ONE Financing Team projects the following scenario: Ownership of Africa ONE CIRCUIT INVESTMENT IN There are multiple options for self-financing carriers: A.