Active participation means an ongoing process of good faith negotiation between the state licensing agency and the Indiana elected committee of licensed managers to achieve joint planning of:
Active participation means a process of good faith negotiations involving the Elected Committee of Licensed Managers and the State Licensing Agency. The Committee must be given the opportunity to have meaningful input into the decision-making process in the formulation of program policies which govern the duties, supervision, transfer, promotion and financial participation of licensed managers. The SLA is charged with the ultimate responsibility for the administration and operation of all aspects of the Business Enterprise Program.
Active participation means making a regular, substantial contribution to an organization. Membership by itself does not constitute active participation.
Examples of Active participation in a sentence
Active participation will include submitting of round robin sample results, along with meeting other requirements of the group or groups.
Active participation is based upon ATTEMPTING AND SUBMITTING Connects assignments for grading.
Active participation will include submitting of round robin samples results, along with meeting other requirements of the group or groups.
Active participation of women at all levels of institutional arrangements with special emphasis at village level is to be ensured.
Active participation in employment services and activities will lead to full time employment.
More Definitions of Active participation
Active participation means meaningful collaboration on major administrative decisions and policy and program development decisions affecting overall administration of Ohio's vending facility program between the BSVI and the Ohio Vendors Representative Committee.
Active participation means the foster youth is demonstrating efforts toward completion of case plan goals such as regular attendance at school or employment that results in school credits or earned wages.
Active participation means attending classes, engaging in other activities that are part of the related/supple- mental instruction, and working or seeking work in accor- dance with the apprenticeship agreement.
Active participation in the means of organising a workshop / session / stand / exhibition directly related to the project (apart from events presented in section 2).
Active participation means attending classes, engaging in other activities that are part of the related/supplemental instruc- tion, and working or seeking work in accordance with the apprentice- ship agreement.
Active participation means an ongoing process of good faith negotiation between the state licensing agency and the Indiana committee of licensed managers to achieve joint planning of rules, policies, standards, and practices prior to implementation by the state licensing agency. Active participation shall not supersede the final authority of the division to adopt program policy and to administer the BEP.
Active participation means a formal, ongoing process involving the mutual exchange of information and advice in regard to planning and review of proposed program policies, stan- dards and procedures, with the understanding that only the depart- ment has the responsibility to administer the program consistent with applicable statutes, regulations and this chapter, and that the right of the committee to actively participate does not affect that responsibility.