Particular Conditions of Contract definition
Examples of Particular Conditions of Contract in a sentence
The Bills of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Tenderers, General and Particular Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.
These General Conditions of Contract (GCC), read in conjunction with the Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) and other documents listed therein, should be a complete document expressing fairly the rights and obligations of both parties.
Any amendments and additions to the General Conditions, specific to the contract in hand, should be introduced in the Particular Conditions of Contract.
Section VIII: General Conditions (GCC) Section IX: Particular Conditions of Contract Section X: Contract Forms 6.2 The Invitation toTender Notice issued by the Procuring Entity is not part of the Contract documents.
If, in the Letter of Acceptance, the Employer does not agree on the appointment of the Adjudicator, the Employer will request the Appointing Authority designated in the Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) pursuant to Clause 23.1 of the General Conditions of Contract (GCC), to appoint the Adjudicator.
Section VII: Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)This Section consists of Part A, Contract Data, which contains data, and Part B, Specific Provisions, which contains clauses specific to each contract.
The following Particular Conditions of Contract shall supplement the GCC.
The General Conditions of Contract are amended by the Particular Conditions of Contract.
SCHEDULE ‘D’ (Part-II, Particular Conditions of Contract) UTTAR/ DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED PARTICULAR TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT STORES AND OTHER MATERIAL UNDER THE RATE CONTRACT The below mentioned terms & conditions shall be applicable in addition to the terms & conditions mentioned in Part-I of Schedule D 1) PRICE :- The prices quoted shall be ‘FIRM’ and ‘FOR’ destination basis anywhere in Haryana.
Particular Conditions of ContractParticular Conditions of Contract The following Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC) shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract (GCC).