Significant relationship means a situation in which the actor is: (1) the complainant's parent, stepparent, or guardian; (2) any of the following persons related to the complainant by blood, marriage, or adoption: brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, grandparent,great-grandparent, great-uncle, great-aunt; or (3) an adult who jointly resides intermittently or regularly in the same dwelling as the complainant and who is not the complainant's spouse. Minn. Stat. § 609.341(15).At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Idaho Statutes §§ 18-6101. At what age is a person able to consent?17 years old. 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60. However, if the actor is 17 years of age or older and holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim, then the age of consent is 18 years old. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. IC §§ 35-42-4-9. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. I.C.A. § 709.4. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. K.S.A. 21-5506; 5507*.*Note: KSA 21-5507 was held to violate the equal protection provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and§ 1 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights to the extent that it results in a punishment for unlawful voluntary sexual conduct between members of the opposite sex that is less harsh than the punishment for the same conduct between members of the same sex. The court struck the phrase “and are members of the opposite sex” from the statute. State v. Limon, 280 Kan. 275, 276, 122 P.3d 22, 24 (2005). Proposed legislation would remedy this. See 2019 KS H.B. 2270 (NS). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old.A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is: less than sixteen (16) years old; orsixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and the actor at least ten (10) years older than victim at the time of the sexual act.KRS § 510.020. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Connecticut General Statutes Annotated §§ 53a-71. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old, if the defendant is more than 4 years older, otherwise 18 years old. 11 Delaware Code §§ 761; 762; 765; 770; 771; 778.If the victim is at least 12 years old and the defendant is no more than 4 years older than the victim, it is an affirmative defense if the victim consented to the act “knowingly”. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. D.C. Code § 22-3001(3). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Florida Statutes §§ 794.011; 794.05. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Georgia Code § 16-6-3(a).
Partner means any General Partner or Limited Partner.
Family relationship means a relationship between a person and another person within the third degree by consanguinity or the second degree by affinity, as those terms are defined by Subchapter B, Chapter 573, Texas Government Code.
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such payer’s annual income but shall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions.
Planned unit development means a subdivision characterized by a unified site design, clustered residential units and/or commercial units, and areas of common open space.
Relationship Manager means an Account Xxxxxx’s nominated contact point at the Bank from time to time
Business relationship means a connection between two or more parties based on commercial activity of one of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is subject to rate or fee regulation by a federal, state, or local governmental entity or an agency of a federal, state, or local governmental entity; (B) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terms available to the public; or (C) a purchase or lease of goods or services from a person that is chartered by a state or federal agency and that is subject to regular examination by, and reporting to, that agency. Texas Local Government Code 176.001(3).