Pastoral farming definition

Pastoral farming means the growing of grass and fodder crops on which stock are grazed, as well as the use of accessory buildings and land for ancillary activities. It does not include the grazing of deer or goats.”The panel recommends that this submission be accepted in part. Many of the other definitions in part 14 refer specifically to ‘land and buildings used for’ a particular purpose. To achieve a more consistent approach with other definitions, and add clarity, the panel recommends that the definition be amended as follows:
Pastoral farming means the growing of grass and fodder crops on which stock are grazed. It includes the associated use of land and buildings. It does not include the grazing of deer or goats.” Therefore the panel accept the submission in part to the extent that it is supportive of the permitted activity status afforded to pastoral farming within the rural 2 (western landscape) land unit.
Pastoral farming means the growing of grass and fodder crops on which stock are grazed. It includes the associated use of land and buildings. It does not include the grazing of deer or goats.” The panel therefore consider that provision of farm buildings is sufficiently made through the provision for pastoral farming. Pastoral farming is provided as a permitted activity within the rural 2 land unit. The panel recognise that new buildings require a restricted discretionary resource consent so that the scale, form, location and colour of the building can be assessed for its suitability. The panel recommend no additional changes to the land unit in order to further provide for farm buildings. Function facilitiesFunction facilities are defined in the Plan as:

Examples of Pastoral farming in a sentence

  • Pastoral farming continues to be the major economic sector within Tararua.

  • Pastoral farming is the predominant productive rural land use in the Waitomo District.

  • Pastoral farming systems, which were set up in the absence of predation, did not have time to adapt.

  • Pastoral farming has been eradicated in the Bunyakiri region since all the farms were looted during wars and livestock confiscated.

  • Pastoral farming includes keeping animals (goat, sheep, cows, pigs, and rabbits), poultry and fish farming.

  • Pastoral farming was pursued in the High Weald rather because the soil was too poor for arable cultivation.

  • Pastoral farming represents around 40 per cent of the total load of nitrogen to the lake, and 93 per cent of the manageable load.

  • Cereal root crop farming system Maize mixed farming system Large commercial and smallholder farming Agro-pastoral millet/sorghum farming system Pastoral farming system Sparse (arid) farming system Coastal artisanal fishing system Urban based farming system Different farming systems exist that need different amounts of agricultural inputs, i.e. pesticides and fertilisers.

  • Pastoral farming has continued to decline and has been replaced, in the main, by suburban residential development.The urbanisation of the area was first planned by the former Hutt County administration in the 1960’s and has continued in various forms since this time.

  • Pastoral farming is predominantly located on the hills to the west of the City.

Related to Pastoral farming

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