Payment of Fee definition
Examples of Payment of Fee in a sentence
B-11B.7 Provisional Payment of Fee ........................................................................................................
B-14B.10 Conditional Payment of Fee DOE Hanford Site-Specific Performance Criteria/Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................
Note I: Payment of Fee Table (CPFF Line Items Only)Line Item Hours Fixed Fee Fixed Fee Per Hour 7200*The fixed fee per hour may change slightly to correct any rounding errors if the line item is fully funded.
B-14B.9 Provisional Payment of Fee ........................................................................................................
B-18B.13 Conditional Payment of Fee DOE Hanford Site-Specific PerformanceCriteria/Requirements ................................................................................................................
I Step:- Payment of Fee: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee as per the notification in any one of the A.P. Online centers and obtain Fee paid receipt with Journal Number 12 digit in the first instance.
ADOH may hold one or more Tax Credit Application rounds pursuant to this Plan.B. Application Deadline and Payment of Fee.
Any such adjustment shall be in accordance with the clause entitled, ‘‘Conditional Payment of Fee, Profit, and Other Incentives—Facility Management Contracts’’ if contained in the contract.(d) Performance evaluation and measurementplan(s).
All fee adjustments shall be made in accordance with Section J, Appendix B-2, UPF Fee Plan and Supplementary Annexes, and Section I, I-18, DEAR Clause 970.5215-3 Conditional Payment of Fee, Profit, and Other Incentive - Facility Management Contracts (AUG 2009) Alternative II (AUG 2009)(NNSA CLASS DEVIATION OCT 2001).
The Offeror shall provide a listing in Attachment L-5, List of Contracts Terminated for Default, Cure Notices, and Conditional Payment of Fee, Profit, or Other Incentive Actions, of any contracts of the Offeror, to include all members of a teaming arrangement, as defined by FAR 9.601(1), and/or Teaming Subcontractors that were terminated for default, including the reasons therefore, within the past five (5) years from the original solicitation issuance date.