Examples of Peak Exposure in a sentence
In order to accurately determine the potential risks from entering into new interest rate swaps, prior to entering into new swap agreements, the CFO will prepare for the President, the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Finance Committee an updated analysis of Peak Exposure, both with and without the proposed new swap agreement.
Peak Exposure provides a quantification of the Regents’ worst case swap exposure.
Section 6.3 on "Detecting And Ranking Peak Exposure Sources" can be used to help identify additional locations.
Protective Measures Daily 8-Hour Exposure Peak Exposure Exposure Limit Value 87dB(A) 140dB (C) Upper Exposure Action Level 85dB(A) 137dB (C) Lower Exposure Action Level 80dB(A) 135dB (C) Any work location and / or location which is suspected of exposing staff to loud noise will be subject to a formal noise assessment.
Current exposure is often also called replacement cost.• Peak Exposure is a high percentile (typically 95 percent or 99 percent) of the distribution of exposures at any particular future date before the maturity date of the longest transaction in the netting set.
Note there is only one bank counterparty with a long-term credit rating below A- or A3, and at 30 September 2013 both Balance Date and Peak Exposure bandings were below 10 of Equity.
The maximum value of PFE(t) over the life a trade is referred to as the Maximum Peak Exposure (MPE) or Maximum Likely Exposure (MLE).PFE(MLE) plays an important role in the financial industry.
Guarantor irrevocably authorizes Administrative Agent to charge any account of Guarantor maintained with Administrative Agent or any Lender with such amount as may be necessary from time to time to pay any Guaranteed Obligations when due.
Peak Exposure Level or Dose: The maximum exposure level or maximum potential dose rate.
Without any warning, H2S may render victims unconscious and death can follow shortly afterwards.The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA Regulations) set a 10 ppm ceiling for an eight hourly continuous exposure (TWA limit), a 15 ppm concentration for Short Term Exposure Limit for 15minutes (STEL) and a Peak Exposure of 50 ppm for 10 minutes.