Examples of Performance Evaluation Period in a sentence
For the Performance Evaluation Period, the maximum 2.0% (and, if approved, an additional percentage above 2.0% as a result of the Enhanced 50/50 Program), annual pay increase may be implemented as follows and payable during six (6) consecutive pay periods.
The Demonstrated Emission Rate will be the highest daily rolling 30-day average emission rate during the 9-month Long-Term Performance Evaluation Period (not including periods of malfunction or abnormal operating conditions) adjusted to three significant digits.
PNM will begin collecting NOx emission and ammonia/urea injection rate data from Units 1 and 4 on a daily rolling 30-day average basis for nine continuous months beginning on May 1, 2016* and provide such data and any recommendations on the NOx emission limit to NMED and EPA by February 28, 2017* or no later than 28 days after completing the Long-Term Performance Evaluation Period.
As with Bolebridge, the existing boundaries follow strong, physical features and the proposed alterations seek to maintain this whilst achieving balance within the geographical context.
PNM may request more time if a slip limit is not agreed upon by April 30, 2016.* The Long-Term Performance Evaluation Period must include 60 days between June 1st and August 30th and 60 days between December 1st and February 28th.
All Job Performance Evaluations will be purged from the employee’s Personnel Files and other City files five (5) years after the date of the end of the Job Performance Evaluation Period.
If the Demonstrated Emission Rate is less than 0.200 lb/MMBtu on a daily rolling 30-day average basis PNM will apply for a permit modification by March 31, 2017* (or no later than 60 days after completing the Long-Term Performance Evaluation Period) to reduce the permitted emission rate by 60% of the difference between 0.23 lb/MMBtu and the Demonstrated Emission Rate, provided the revised emission rate does not adversely impact overall unit operations.
See Human Resources Policies, Employment Policies, Initial Performance Evaluation Period.
The initial Performance Evaluation Period, if this Proposal No. 6 is approved, shall be three (3) fiscal years from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
The Performance Evaluation Period shall be subject to any postponements due to (i) Force Majeure or (ii) delays attributable to Metawave.