Performance Review Program definition
Examples of Performance Review Program in a sentence
The County agrees to retain its current performance based evaluation program consistent with the Leadership Performance Review Program.
For the duration of this Agreement, and provided that Bargaining Unit employees are evaluated and compensated consistent with the Leadership Performance Review Program, Bargaining Unit employees who have an accrued annual leave balance in excess of 280 hours as of the end of the last pay period which begins in a calendar year shall have all hours beyond 280 cashed out provided the employee has used at least 80 hours of leave (Annual Leave and/or Job Basis leave) during the preceding calendar year.
For the duration of this Agreement, and provided that Bargaining Unit employees are evaluated and compensated consistent with the Leadership Performance Review Program, Bargaining Unit employees have the option to cash-out accrued annual leave up to a maximum gross cash value of $4,000 once annually.
The Performance Review Program is designed to provide supervisory feedback on job performance, motivate the employee to improve his/her performance in the future, and to reinforce those activities which meet or exceed supervisory standards.
Effective October 1, 2001, all pay range minimum and maximum rates of pay will be adjusted upward five percent (5%), as reflected in Appendix "A2." 2 The County agrees to retain its current performance based compensation consistent with the Leadership Performance Review Program.
The County agrees to retain its current performance based compensation consistent with the Leadership Performance Review Program.
The Texas School Performance Review Program of the Comptroller of Public Accounts may conduct reviews of school district investment practices and make any recommendations necessary to improve the investment of funds.
The teacher will receive a formal evaluation based in part on at least two formal observations, conducted in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Performance Review Program.
Teacher candidates who hold a Conditional license and are hired as a teacher of record may complete a Performance Review Program through a Department approved provider.
The HR Director or designee shall establish a system of administering the Performance Review Program.