Permitted Creditor definition
Examples of Permitted Creditor in a sentence
In the situations indicated in Items a) through e), to be considered a Permitted Creditor, it shall have such a condition at the date of signing its corresponding financing contract.
In all cases, the contracts or agreements in question shall expressly contain a provision stating that in the event that the financing is annulled or the CONCESSIONAIRE incurs in any grounds activating the termination or resolution thereof, the Permitted Creditor shall notify the GRANTOR of such situation within five (5) Days.
The CONCESSIONAIRE shall also submit an affidavit issued by the potential Permitted Creditor in which it represents to meet the qualities established in the definition of “Permitted Creditor” established in the Contract.
That, we comply with the requirements established in the Concession Contract, as well as all those required by the Applicable Laws and Provisions, to qualify as a Permitted Creditor, in accordance with the terms assigned to this definition in the Concession Contract.
It refers to the indebtedness incurred for financing or credit operations, issuance of transferable securities or debt instruments and/or loans granted by any Permitted Creditor under any modality, the funds of which are intended to comply with the purpose of the Contract.
It refers to the indebtedness incurred for financing or credit operations, issuance of transferable securities or debt instruments and/or loans granted by any Permitted Creditor under any modality, the funds which are intended to comply with the Contract objective.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 1.1(f), upon the closing (as such term is defined in the applicable sale-purchase agreement) of an Asset Sale by any Loan Party of a material asset that constitutes DIP Collateral (other than assets subject to Permitted Creditor Liens), the net sale proceeds from the sale of such DIP Collateral shall be used to repay any amounts due and payable under the Postpetition Debt.
It consists of the indebtedness for financing or credit operations, issuance of securities or debt instruments and/or money loans granted by any Permitted Creditor under any modality, whose funds will be destined to the fulfillment of the object of the Contract.
By executing and delivering this Acknowledgment, the undersigned [agent on behalf of the Successor Permitted Creditors which are parties to a Successor Permitted Senior Secured Debt Agreement] [Successor Permitted Creditor which is a party to a Successor Permitted Senior Secured Debt Agreement] hereby agrees [, on its behalf and on behalf of such Successor Permitted Creditors,] to be bound by all the terms and provisions of the Intercreditor Agreement.
In the event that after the authorization of a Permitted Guaranteed Indebtedness of syndicated or bilateral credits, a Permitted Creditor wishes to assign its credit to a third party, either totally or partially in such Permitted Guaranteed Indebtedness, in order for such third party to be considered a Permitted Creditor, it must be previously qualified as a Permitted Creditor by the GRANTOR, and for such purpose it must submit the declaration contained in Appendix 1 of Annex 9 of this Contract.