Permitted Sign Approval definition
Examples of Permitted Sign Approval in a sentence
Owner would not enter into this Agreement or agree to provide the public benefits, commitments, and considerations, if it were not for the certainty provided by the agreement of the City that the Permitted Sign can be erected and operated during the Term of this Agreement in accordance with the Applicable Rules and the Permitted Sign Approval.
City has undertaken the necessary proceedings, has found and determined that this Agreement is consistent with the General Plan, the Specific Plan, the DA Overlay District Regulations, the Permitted Sign Approval, and the Zoning Ordinance, and has adopted [ - ] Ordinance No. approving this Agreement.
If any legal action or other proceeding is instituted by a third party or parties, other governmental entity or official challenging the validity of any provision of the Permitted Sign Approval or of this Agreement (including, without limitation, any action or proceeding which challenges the enforceability of this Agreement and is initiated as a result of a measure adopted by initiative, as described in Section above), Owner and the City shall cooperate in defending any such action.
Subject to the terms, conditions, and covenants of this Agreement, including the Reservations of Power in Section 3.4, the Owner shall have a vested right to erect and operate the Permitted Sign in accordance with, and to the extent of, the Permitted Sign Approval, and subject to the Applicable Rules.
Owner shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend (with counsel reasonably acceptable to City) the City, and any of its officers, employees or agents for any claim or lawsuit brought to challenge the validity or enforcement of the Permitted Sign Approval or this Agreement, instituted by a third party or another governmental entity or official.
The Owner (or any Tenant) may seek additional ministerial permits as required by the City, including, without limitation, building permits, as needed to implement the Permitted Sign Approval and to construct and operate the Permitted Sign.
In consideration of the substantial benefits, commitments and consideration to be provided by Owner pursuant to this Agreement and in order to strengthen the public planning process and reduce the economic cost of development, the City hereby provides Owner assurance that it can proceed with the construction and operation of the Permitted Sign for the Term of this Agreement pursuant to the Applicable Rules, the Permitted Sign Approval, and this Agreement.
The Permitted Sign is more particularly described and/or depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, as approved by the Permitted Sign Approval.
It is specifically understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto that: (i) the subject Property is a private property; (ii) Owner shall have full power over and exclusive control of the Property, subject only to the limitations and obligations of Owner under this Agreement and the Permitted Sign Approval; and (iii) the contractual relationship between the City and Owner is such that Owner is not an agent or partner of the City nor is City an agent or partner of Owner.
This Agreement does not supersede, nullify, or amend any condition imposed in the Permitted Sign Approval.