Sign face definition

Sign face means the surface of a sign including the border or frame together with any material forming an integral part of the background used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or building on which it is erected. Where a sign is composed of individually installed letters, numerals or shapes, the sign face shall mean the area of the smallest polygon containing a maximum of eight (8) right angle sides that enclose all of the letters, numerals or shapes; (0438-2003, 0203-2017)
Sign face means that portion of the SIGN, excluding the supporting STRUCTURE, borders and frames, upon which, against, or through which COPY is DISPLAYED or is capable of being DISPLAYED. Further:
Sign face means that portion of a sign on which a message is intended to be displayed.

Examples of Sign face in a sentence

  • The bottom of the Pole Sign face may not be more than eleven (11) feet above grade.

  • Illuminated Signs means any Sign having lighting directed on the Sign face or from a light source located within the Sign which is transmitted through a transparent or translucent Sign face; 13.

  • Copy means the letters, graphics or characters that make up the message on the Sign face; 5.

  • The following Conditional Uses may be permitted provided they meet the provision of Section 48 and a Conditional Use Permit is issued: Sign face with changeable copy.

  • The Height Above Ground Level (HAGL) is the height of the Sign from ground level to the bottom of the Sign face.

More Definitions of Sign face

Sign face means the area of a sign on which the graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademark or text is placed.
Sign face means the surface of a sign upon, against or through which the message is displayed or illustrated.
Sign face means the entire display surface area of a sign upon, against or through which copy is placed.
Sign face means the area of a sign on which the copy is placed.
Sign face means any side of a sign which contains advertising or graphic display which is visible to the public.
Sign face means that portion of a sign, excluding the sign structure, upon which, as part of, against or through which the message of the sign is displayed;
Sign face means that portion of a sign, excluding the sign structure, upon which, as part of, against or through which the message of the sign is displayed. Where a sign is composed of individually installed letters, numerals or shapes, the sign face shall mean the area of the smallest polygon containing a maximum of eight (8) right angle sides that encloses the grouping of letters, numerals or shapes;