Examples of Personal Communication Device in a sentence
Personal Communication Device (PCD): A personal communication device is any wired or wireless communication device or other prescribed device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, email, text messages, videos, or photos, internet access including but not limited to cellular/satellite telephones, pagers, personal handheld computers (PDAs) and cellular/satellite push to talk devices or similar products.
Personal CommunicationsDuring work hours, personal communications made or received, regardless of whether on a Personal Communication Device (PCD), regular telephone, or network computer, can interfere with professional staff member productivity, distract others, and/or set a bad example for students.
Students are prohibited from using a Personal Communication Device (PCD) to violate this Rule.
The use of a University owned Personal Communication Device will be governed by CPSO and other applicable University policies.
Personal Communication Device (PCD) A Company approved, or a Company provided and required Communication Device (e.g. cell phone, laptop, tablet).