Examples of Phase I Consultant in a sentence
The Phase I Consultant shall report its findings simultaneously to the Buyer and the Sellers both orally and in writing.
The Phase I Consultant shall assume the use of the most cost-effective, reasonable and timely Remedial Action and shall consider the Company's status as a lessee in evaluating the Company's potential obligations under Environmental Laws.
The Phase I Consultant shall also provide estimates for expenditures necessary to correct violations of Environmental Laws on the leased Properties.
With respect to known or reasonably suspected Releases of Hazardous Materials at the Owned Real Properties where there is not sufficient information to enable the Phase I Consultant to estimate reasonably the ranges of costs of the most cost-effective, timely and reasonable Remedial Action, the Phase I Assessment shall recommend appropriate media sampling.
The Phase I Consultant shall also provide estimates for the expenditures necessary to correct violations of Environmental Laws on the Owned Properties.
In making its estimates, the Phase I Consultant shall assume the use of the most cost-effective, reasonable and timely Remedial Action.
The firm of Milone & MacBroom (Phase I Consultant) was selected to complete the Vision and Coastal Management components.
While the Phase I Consultant is responsible for preparing Vision and Coastal Management content, the Phase II Consultant is responsible for the overall design, look, feel, and overall integration of Phases I and II into a unified, comprehensive Master Plan.Project ManagementThe proposed scope of work shall include regular project updates by the Phase II Consultant (and its successors, assigns, and subcontractors) with Town Planning Staff, the Planning Board and Steering Committee.
In making its estimates, the Phase I Consultant shall assume the use of the most cost- effective, reasonable and timely Remedial Action.
This section provides guidance for the milestones that must be reached before a proposal for a transmission project or upgrade actually becomes a VT Transco project, allowing VT Transco to capitalize the cost of the project based on the cost allocation agreement reached by the benefiting DUs. The milestones for project accounting are as follows: • Phase I, Consultant Phase: DUs hire VT Transco to undertake a facility study.