Examples of Independent Engineer in a sentence
The Nodal Agency shall require the Independent Engineer to designate and notify to the Nodal Agency up to 2 (two) persons employed in its firm to sign for and on behalf of the Independent Engineer, and any communication or document required to be signed by the Independent Engineer shall be valid and effective only if signed by any of the designated persons; provided that the Independent Engineer may, by notice in writing, substitute any of the designated persons by any of its employees.
The Nodal Agency shall appoint an agency/ company as Independent Engineer as per framework provided in the Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects for selection of Independent Engineer.
In the event that the appointment of the Independent Engineer is terminated hereunder, the Nodal Agency shall appoint forthwith another Independent Engineer.
The fee and charges of the Independent Engineer shall be paid by the Nodal Agency as per terms & conditions of appointment.
Upon receipt of such representation, the Nodal Agency shall hold a tripartite meeting with the TSP and Independent Engineer for an amicable resolution, and the decision of Nodal Agency is final.