Physical Copy definition
Examples of Physical Copy in a sentence
The Physical Copy of Technical Proposals must be in the manner specified in the RFP document at the address given below.CEO,Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB)Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Paryatan Bhawan, Near ONGC Helipad Garhi Cantt, Dehradun-248003 (India) The Financial Proposal shall be submitted online only.
The Physical Copy of Technical Proposals must be in the manner specified in the RFP document at the address given below.CEO,Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB)Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Paryatan Bhawan, Near ONGC HelipadGarhi Cantt, Dehradun-248003 (India) The Financial Proposal shall be submitted online only.
The proposal shall be submitted, through Physical Submission as details specified in the Bid Datasheet, as per the procedure given below: Physical Copy of complete technical proposal including Bid Security Declaration as per Annexure 3 and Tender Fee in form of DD as specified in Bid Datasheet.
Method of SelectionThe method of selection is Least Cost (L1) among the technically qualified bidders, after reverse auction andnegotiations, if any.12.EMDRs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only) 13.Date and Time of submission of originalEMD (Physical Copy), tender document fee (Physical Copy) to the O/o MD APTS Next working day of bid submission closing date.
The Physical Copy of EMD instrument will be deposited by the contractors at Headquarters Eastern Command (ST Branch) manually before bid opening with intimation of deposition of physical copy of its location.
Return of Physical Copy: GUOOF shall return its single physical copy of the Compilation to Xxxxxx within two (2) weeks of the Effective Date of this agreement.
Xxxxxx GUOOF Signature: Signature: Single Physical Copy: XXXXX obtained a single physical copy of the Compilation from Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
Eliminate Physical Copy Requirement of MOR: NAHMA members state that HUD’s requirement to have a physical copy of the resident file available for review during the MOR at the site is costly and burdensome to the property.
Physical Copy of the Bids received after the due date and the specified time (including the extended period if any) for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained and shall be returned unopened.
Entity represents a discrete object, it can be considered as a noun, such as Publication, Physical Copy, Location, Loan and Customer.