Physical examination means the assessment of an individual’s health by a professional licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy, or by an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant.
Physical Escort means the temporary touching or holding the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back of a student who is acting out for the purpose of inducing the student to walk to a safe location.
Physical abuse means any physical injury, mental injury, or threatened injury, inflicted by a person responsible for the child’s care other than by accidental means; or any physical or mental injury that cannot reasonably be explained by the child’s history of injuries or any aversive or deprivation procedures, or regulated interventions, that have not been authorized by Minn. Stat. § 125A.0942 or § 245.825.
Medical examination means the preliminary assessment of a person by an authorized health worker or by a person under the direct supervision of the competent authority, to determine the person’s health status and potential public health risk to others, and may include the scrutiny of health documents, and a physical examination when justified by the circumstances of the individual case;
Physical therapist means an individual who is licensed by a state to practice physical therapy.
Physical therapy means services provided by a qualified physical therapist.
Physical assault means intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical harm to another through force or violence.
Physical Assets means equity securities, debt securities, fixed income securities and units in exchanged traded funds.
Practical examination means a demonstration through application of the safety rules and principles in industrial radiography including use of all procedures and equipment to be used by radiographic personnel.
Physical education means the development of:
National examination means the examinations developed and administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and approved by the board for licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.
Physical therapy aide means a person who has
physical nexus means that you have physical presence, such as: a building/facility located in Seattle, you make sales trips into Seattle, your own company drives into Seattle for product deliveries, and/or you conduct service work in Seattle (repair, installation, service, maintenance work, on-site consulting, etc).
Physical Property has the meaning assigned to such term in the definition of “Delivery” above.
Joint physical custody means an order awarding each of the parents significant, but
Physical hazard means a chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer, pyrophoric, unstable (reactive) or water-reactive.
Physical harm means bodily injury, impairment, or disease.
Specialist Physician means a licensed physician who qualifies as an attending physician and who examines a patient at the request of the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner to aid in evaluation of disability, diagnosis, or provide temporary specialized treatment. A specialist physician may provide specialized treatment for the compensable injury or illness and give advice or an opinion regarding the treatment being rendered, or considered, for a patient’s compensable injury.
Physical presence means a place of business that is maintained by a Foreign Bank and is located at a fixed address, other than solely a post office box or an electronic address, in a country in which the Foreign Bank is authorized to conduct banking activities, at which location the Foreign Bank (i) employs one or more individuals on a full-time basis, (ii) maintains operating records related to its banking activities, and (iii) is subject to inspection by the banking authority that licensed the Foreign Bank to conduct banking activities.
Medical examiner means a physician with training in aviation medicine and practical knowledge and experience of the aviation environment, who is designated by the Authority to conduct medical examinations of fitness of applicants for licences or ratings for which medical requirements are prescribed;
Physical therapist assistant means an individual who is licensed/certified by a state and who assists the physical therapist in selected components of physical therapy.
Physical custody means the physical care and supervision of a child.
Physical Safeguards are physical measures, policies, and procedures to protect CONTRACTOR’s electronic information systems and related buildings and equipment, from natural and environmental hazards, and unauthorized intrusion.
Direct scattered radiation means that scattered radiation which has been deviated in direction only by materials irradiated by the useful beam (see “Scattered radiation”).
Background radiation means radiation from cosmic sources; naturally occurring radioactive materials, including radon (except as a decay product of source or special nuclear material); and global fallout as it exists in the environment from the testing of nuclear explosive devices or from past nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl that contribute to background radiation and are not under the control of the licensee. “Background radiation” does not include sources of radiation from radioactive materials regulated by the agency.
Physical impairment means any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine.