Examples of Physical Redemption Assets in a sentence
In certain circumstances, delivery of Deliverable Obligations contained in the Physical Redemption Assets may be delayed to a date beyond the Physical Redemption Date.
The Mayor objected to this ruling and appealed the case.On November 16, a confrontation broke out between troops of the Tenth Shield Army Brigade (Décima Brigada Blindada del Ejército) and members of the ELN in a rural zone within the municipality of Dibulla.
The Bank’s obligations will be deemed to be fully discharged with respect to such Credit Linked Note as at the date on which the relevant portion of the Physical Redemption Assets has been fully Delivered (if any) or otherwise as at the date immediately following the Latest Permissible Physical Redemption Date.
If such partial cash settlement does not apply, then in respect of the portion of the Physical Redemption Assets for which it is not possible or legal to take Delivery on the Physical Redemption Date, such Delivery will take place as soon as practicable thereafter in accordance with the provisions of the Credit Linked Asset Conditions and in any event on or before the Latest Permissible Physical Redemption Date.
If a Noteholder fails to do so, the obligations of the Bank to that Noteholder may be discharged either, if “Fallback Cash Redemption” applies, by fallback cash redemption at the market value of the Physical Redemption Assets determined by the Bank and if “Fallback Cash Redemption” does not apply, without any payment or Delivery.
In relation to a Credit Linked Note to which “Physical Redemption” applies, the Issuer’s obligation to Deliver the relevant portion of the Physical Redemption Assets is subject to various conditions, including, without limitation, the obligation of the Noteholder to deliver to the Issuer a Deliverable Obligation Notice within the prescribed time frame.
If a Noteholder fails to do so, the obligations of the Issuer to that Noteholder may be discharged either, if “Fallback Cash Redemption” applies, by fallback cash redemption at the market value of the Physical Redemption Assets determined by the Issuer and, if “Fallback Cash Redemption” does not apply, without any payment or Delivery.
The Issuer’s obligations will be deemed to be fully discharged with respect to such Credit Linked Note as at the date on which the relevant portion of the Physical Redemption Assets has been fully Delivered (if any) or otherwise as at the date immediately following the Latest Permissible Physical Settlement Date.
For Credit Linked Principal Notes, unless redeemed early in full, if a Credit Event and a relevant Event Determination Date occurs, then each Single Name Credit Linked Note will be redeemed in full (or, where an M(M)R Restructuring occurs or multiple successors are identified, in part) by payment of the relevant Credit Event Redemption Amount or, where Physical Redemption applies, by delivery of the Physical Redemption Assets and/or any applicable cash amounts on the relevant Credit Event Redemption Date.
If such partial cash settlement does not apply, then, in respect of the portion of the Physical Redemption Assets for which it is not possible or legal to take Delivery on the Physical Redemption Date, such Delivery will take place as soon as practicable thereafter in accordance with the provisions of Condition 8 (Credit Linked Notes) and in any event on or before the Latest Permissible Physical Settlement Date.