Examples of PIDG Trust in a sentence
While EAIF lends on commercial terms, it aims to support projects that promote economic growth and reduce poverty, benefit broad population groups, address issues of equity and participation, and promote social and cultural rightsGuarantCo: a facility funded through the PIDG Trust and FMO, which provides local currency guarantees to infrastructure projects in low- income countries in order to mitigate credit risks for local lenders.
This Policy applies to all due diligence activities undertaken by, or on behalf of, the PIDG Trust and PIDG companies.
Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/gji/article/206/1/590/2606493 by guest on 22 February 2022For our 10 potential ages, reliable IZZI-Thellier results were ob- tained for four of them, an unusually high success rate for volcanic products (40 per cent); the success rate at sample level, however, is much lower: only 28 of 114 (25 per cent) measured samples passed one or more sets of selection criteria.
Through the PIDG Board, committees and executive team, it will have responsibility for ensuring that PIDG meets its objectives and the expectations of the Owners, assuming certain functions previously carried out by the Owners and the PIDG Trust.
A recipient of PIDG funding (“PIDG Recipient”) refers to persons and entities which receive funding either directly or indirectly from a PIDG company and/or the PIDG Trust (be that grant, loan, guarantee, project development or any other form of funding).
Unless otherwise agreed with the CMO, all public communications that refer to the Company, and/or the Donors and/or the PIDG and/or the PIDG Trust must be submitted to the CMO for written approval prior to publication.
GuarantCo (GC) is a Mauritian company owned indirectly by the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) members through the PIDG Trust and in the case of Netherlands, through FMO (the Dutch Development Finance Company).
PIDG operates through a Governing Council, a Central Management Office (CMO) and the PIDG Trust.
If this does not happen within two years of the proceeds being received by the PIDG Trust, they (or any unspent portion thereof) will be returned to DFID.
Unless otherwise agreed with the PMU, all public communications that refer to the Company, and/or the Donors and/or the PIDG and/or the PIDG Trust must be submitted to the PMU for written approval prior to publication.