Pilot Gas definition
Examples of Pilot Gas in a sentence
Narrabri Coal Seam Gas Project Review of Environmental Factors: Bibblewindi West Lateral Pilot Gas and Water Gathering System.
Except for 5% of the time per Calendar Quarter, failure to operate each monitoring system required by Paragraphs 20 and 22-23 in accordance with Paragraph 27; provided however, that the Defendants will not be liable for a stipulated penalty for violation of Paragraph 27 if, during the period of downtime, the only gas(es) being sent to the Covered Flare in question is/are Purge Gas and/or Pilot Gas.
Tom Laws said that so far the group has focused on the pathway map and that it was time to look at what would be happening with the entire plan being put together.
At its option, in order to continuously measure and calculate flow, in scfm and pounds per hour, of all Pilot Gas to a Covered Flare, the Defendants may elect to either: a) install (if not already installed) an instrument or b) use a restriction orifice and pressure measurements.
Combustion Zone of any Covered Flare, provided that the Pilot Gas flow is continuously measured and calculated in scfm and pounds per hour.
Available in the docket for this proposed rulemaking, Docket Id. No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0526.• “Proposed Changes to Flare Pilot Gas Reporting Requirements under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).” From Jeff Coburn, Leslie Pearce and Kevin Bradley, RTI International (RTI) to Brian Cook, EPA, dated July 10, 2015.
Except for 5% of the time per Calendar Quarter, failure to operate each monitoring system required by Paragraphs 23 and 25-26 in accordance with Paragraph 34; provided, however, that Defendant will not be liable for a stipulated penalty for violation of Paragraph 34 if, during the period of downtime, the only gas(es) being sent to the Covered Flare in question is/are Purge Gas and/or Pilot Gas.
This gas includes all Waste Gas, that portion of Sweep Gas that is not recovered, Purge Gas, and Supplemental Gas, but does not include Pilot Gas, Total Steam, or Assist Air.
At their option, Settling Defendants may elect to install (if not already installed) and continuously measure the flow, in scfm or pounds per hour (if the instrument automatically converts flow from scfm to lb/hr), of all Pilot Gas to a Covered Flare.
In measuring and calculating Pilot Gas flows for use in determining the Net Heating Value of the Combustion Zone, Defendant must use either: (a) an instrument or (b) a restriction orifice and pressure measurements.