PIN Block definition
Examples of PIN Block in a sentence
The contents of the payment card magnetic stripe (track data) on any media whatsoever.2. The CVV/CVC (the 3 or 4 digit number on the signature panel on the reverse of the payment card) on any media whatsoever.3. The PIN or the encrypted PIN Block under any circumstance.
For purposes of this subsection, the term "Cardholder Data" means personally identifiable data about the cardholder (i.e. the plastic card number, card expiration date in combination with the plastic card number, cardholder name in combination with the plastic card number, track data/magnetic stripe, verification numbers XXX0, XXX0, CID, and PIN Block).
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) or the encrypted PIN Block under any circumstance Information Classification Card data and media containing such data must always be labelled to indicate sensitivity level: Confidential data might include information assets for which there are legal requirements for preventing disclosure or financial penalties for disclosure, or data that would cause severe damage to Bradley Stoke Town Council if disclosed or modified.
Figure 2 and 3), which encodes the PIN based on ISO 9564-1 and then encrypts this PIN Block using 3DES using the random key protected by the KREM.
We use a server with 12 physical cores (Intel Xeon E5-2650 V4, 2.2GHz), 128GB memory, and 2.8 TBs of SSD storage.We implement our PIN translation scheme based on the hybrid-PRE construction shown in Figure 5 with the DEM based on standard PIN Block encryption (Section 2.3).
As part of PCI DSS obligations among other things, you shall not store card authentication information (Track 2, CVV, PIN and PIN Block) and shall also eliminate/minimize storage of Valid Card information (Name, Expiry date) in electronic or paper form and if absolutely necessary store the same in encrypted form, after notifying to ICICI and ICICI Merchant Service.
The actual DEM we implement is based on standard PIN Block encryption (cf.
CNPPPPP/FP/FP/FP/FP/FP/FP/FP/FFF FIGURE 2: ISO PIN-BLOCK ENCODINGS (AS DEFINED IN ISO 9564-1) A PIN-block encoding scheme ES = (encode, decode) take two inputs a PIN and a PAN, and outputs a PIN Block (PB).
As an added layer of security, our wireframes use PIN Block to confirm transaction exchanges between the Customer/Merchant & financial institution.
For purposes of this subsection, the term "Cardholder Data" means personally identifiable data about the cardholder (i.e. the plastic card number, card expiration date in combination with the plastic card number, cardholder name in combination with the plastic card number and/or sensitive authentication data (track data/magnetic stripe, verification numbers XXX0, XXX0, CID, and PIN Block).