BL definition
Examples of BL in a sentence
Taxpayer XX Xx. Owner only By: Signature By: Signature Authorized Representative’s Name (Typed/Printed) Dated Authorized Representative’s Name (Typed/Printed) Dated Equipment Receipt Power Unit Trailer Year (YYYY) Make Model VIN # BL Unit # CARRIER Receipt for Possession of Equipment CARRIER has received from CONTRACTOR and taken posxxxxxxx of the above Equipment described in this Agreement.
CONTRACTOR: By: Signature Authorized Representative’s Name (Typed/Printed) Dated By: Signature Authorized Representative’s Name (Typed/Printed) Dated Appendix G Equipment List Pursuant to Section 1 of the Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide CARRIER the use of the following Equipment: Power Unit Trailer Year (YYYY) Make Model VIN # BL Unit # THIS APPENDIX is agreed to by the undersigned parties as of the latest date set forth below.