Pit floor definition
Examples of Pit floor in a sentence
Fully stocked Spill kits are located workshop lube bay, Fuel depo, Weighbridge, Crushing Plant Feeder 1, Pre Coat Oil Plant and Quarry Pit floor 1.
Pit floor working areas and “goodbye cuts” at the base of pits respect the same minimum mining width.
The elevation of the base of the Phase 2A landfill cell, although not expected, can be adjusted based on the detailed design field investigation.For an explanation of the ponding at the southern end of the Pit floor, refer to GHD Comment 15.
Pit floor depressurization will be maintained by the installation of wxxxx installed on 800 to 1000 feet centers.
The sample from the East Ridge Pit floor supports the contention that economic gold grades do exist at the pit margin.
Pit floor to auditorium floor height is 2’11”.Seating Rows C - D are eliminated when orchestra pit is used as either pit or apron.
However, you acknowledge that as we conduct our business from and predominantly within Australia, you are required to provide us with written notice of our need to comply with the GDPR in relation to your Personal Data if you wish for us to take steps that are not already set out in this Privacy Notice.
Pit, floor, and sidewalk hatches shall be Type "J" or "JD" as specified by Bilco Company, or equal.
As shown on Figure 5.1 of the Technical Response Task 7, the Pit floor is graded from north to south with a low point that is focused to the west of monitoring well MW3-14, where ponding first occurs.
This includes a strategic review of the acquisitions budget to ensure its long-term fitness of purpose. The library will continue to consult and work closely with the University’s academic community in the identification and selection of content.