Place of deposit definition
Examples of Place of deposit in a sentence
Place of deposit" means a location designated by the election administrator pursuant to 13-19-307 for a mail ballot election conducted under Title 13, chapter 19.
Place of deposit" means a location designated by the election administrator pursuant to 13- 19-307 for a mail ballot election conducted under Title 13, chapter 19.
Records which must be kept indefinitely [or for approximately 100 years] for legal and/or administrative purposes, and/or are of enduring value for historical research purposes and so suitable for transfer to the authority's archive or place of deposit. Place of deposit.
Place of deposit of the tenderCT Branch, RTRMHTender Form sale starts on27/04/2017 from 10:00 AMTender Form sale closes on18/05/2017 at 11:30 AMLast date of submission of tender forms18/05/2017 at 01:00 PMPrebid Meeting08/05/2017Date of opening of Technical Bid18/05/2017 at 02:30 PMDate of opening of Financial BidTo be notified later Note: In case, the day of bid opening happens to be a holiday, the Bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time.
Place of deposit under Section 14 of the National Archives Act, 1986.
Specifications for location, construction and modification of buildings or 1 Place of deposit status was confirmed in a letter dated 26 July 2018.2 Known as the Archive Services Agreement and signed on 28 March 2013.rooms intended for the storage or use of heritage collections (BS EN 16893:2018).
Place of deposit of pre-collected waste byPre-collection facilitiesPercentage (%)Final disposal52,2Collection point25,0Fly-tipping10,3Consolidation point and final disposal12,5Total100,0Table III: Place of deposit of waste by pre-collection NGOs Source:Field surveyresults, October2021 Table III showsthat the most common waste disposal site used by the pre-collection facilities is the final dump (Photo 2).