PLACEMENT EPISODE means, for purposes of the citizen review process established under chapter 13.70 RCW, the period of time that begins when the child was removed from the home of the parent or legal custodian for the purposes of placement in substitute care and continues until the child returns home or adoption decree guardianship order is granted. RCW 13.70.010
PLACEMENT EPISODE means the period of time that
PLACEMENT EPISODE means, for purposes of the citizen review process established under chapter

More Definitions of PLACEMENT EPISODE

PLACEMENT EPISODE means the duration of time in which the child is in resource family care or out-of-home placement , beginning when CP&P obtains legal authority via court order or voluntary consent to remove the child and place the child out-of-home, and ending when the child is no longer in out-of-home placement (i.e., is discharged)..
PLACEMENT EPISODE means - The time period beginning with the date the child was removed from the parent or caregiver and entered an out-of-home placement with the Division assuming care and custody of the child. A placement episode ends when the child is no longer in out-of-home placement and the Division is no longer responsible for care and custody.


  • Current placement episode means the period of time that

  • Launch means the intentional ignition of the first-stage motor(s) of the Launch Vehicle intended to place or try to place a Launch Vehicle (which may or may not include any Transfer Vehicle, Payload or crew) from Earth:

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.