Is discharged. Fails to return to work within one (1) week after being recalled by the Employer by regis tered mail at his last known address.
Is discharged. Is absent for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying the Employer. After such absence, the Employer will notify the employee in writing at his or her last known address that the employee's employment has been terminated.
Is discharged. Is absent from work three (3) consecutive shifts without notification to and approval of the Employer, unless the employee is unable to return and notify the Employer because of physical or mental incapacity.
Is discharged. Is continuously on layoff from the Company for a period of eighteen (18) months. In this event recall rights are exhausted and the employee is terminated.
Is discharged. Is absent on any three (3) days without notice or excuse mutually
Is discharged. Is absent from employment for five (5) consecutive working days an explanation satisfactory to the Employer; Fails to report to work within ten (10) calendar days after the mailing by Registered Mail to return to work after a lay-off. After a lay-off extending for a period of more than eighteen (18) months. If a nurse's absence without pay exceeds thirty (30) continuous calendar days, she will not accumulate seniority or service for any purposes under the Collective Agreement for the of absence in excess of thirty continuous calendar days unless otherwise provided. The nurse will become responsible for full payment of any subsidized employee benefits in which she entitled to participate during the period of absence.
Is discharged. Is temporarily laid off and fails to return to work within five (5) working days after written notice requesting the individual to return to work is delivered by registered mail to the individual’s last known address or to the individual personally, and fails to notify the Employer of an intention to return to work within forty-eight (48) hours after having received such notification.
Is discharged. Fails to report for work from layoff within six days when called by the Company by certified mail or telegram directed to his last address appearing on the Company's records, provided, however, that no employee shall lose seniority if failure to report to work is caused by sickness or accident and the Company is so notified within six working days. For the purpose of computing the six working days under this paragraph, the day the notice is sent shall not be included.
Is discharged. Fails to return to work at the termination of a written leave of absence, except with the written consent of the Company. Is laid off and not recalled to work within the applicable period of time as follows: He is not recalled to work within twelve