Plant diseases definition

Plant diseases means fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses, injurious to plants or plant products, and the pathological condition in plants or plant products caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses.
Plant diseases means the pathological condition
Plant diseases means the pathological condition CONDITIONS in plants caused byfungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, mycoplasmas, or parasitic seed plants.

Examples of Plant diseases in a sentence

  • Plant diseases can be transmitted by wind, insects, animals or humans, and may be seed-borne or soil-borne.

  • Most of the metabolites detected in the glucuronide fraction were detected up to the last collected samples, 84 h and 8 days for studies A and B, respectively.

  • Plant diseases are commonly specific to a site, (e.g., Black Spot on roses).

  • Plant diseases and pests are considered one of the most common factors that obstacle and reduce both quantity and quality of agricultural products.

  • Plant diseases may be considered in determining whether or not a crop shall finally be approved for certification.

  • Irradiation, Phytosanitary treatment, Plant diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

  • In January 2011, the then second-in-command of Al Qaeda urged terrorists to think of new weapons to sabotage the economic and industrial systems of the West.76 Plant diseases could be a powerful weapon.However, this applies even more to livestock diseases, because these could have a greater societal impact.

  • Celeste Sickles, APHIS’ Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 851–2908.List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs, Nursery stock, Plant diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rice, Vegetables.Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR part 319 as follows:PART 319–FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES■ 1.

  • Celeste Sickles, APHIS’s Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 734–7477.List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs, Nursery stock, Plant diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rice, Vegetables.■ Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR part 319 as follows:PART 319—FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES ■ 1.

  • Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs, Nursery stock, Plant diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rice, Vegetables.7 CFR Part 340Administrative practice and procedure, Biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Imports, Packaging and containers, Plant diseases and pests, Transportation.Accordingly, we propose to amend 7 CFR parts 319 and 340 as follows:PART 319—FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES■ 1.

More Definitions of Plant diseases

Plant diseases means the pathological condition CONDITIONS in plants caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, mycoplasmas, or parasitic seed plants.
Plant diseases means the pathological condition in nursery stock caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses mycoplasmas, or parasitic seed plants.
Plant diseases means fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses, injurious to plants and plant products, and the pathological condition in plants and plant products caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses.

Related to Plant diseases

  • Disease means an alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness or physical or mental disorder and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

  • Waterborne disease outbreak means the significant occurrence of acute infectious illness, epidemiologically associated with the ingestion of water from a public water system (PWS) that is deficient in treatment, as determined by the appropriate local or State agency.

  • Infectious Disease means an illness that is capable of being spread from one individual to another.

  • Autism spectrum disorders means any of the pervasive developmental disorders as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association, including autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.

  • Corrosion inhibitor means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the interior surface of those materials.

  • Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.

  • Animal means any nonhuman animate being endowed with the power of voluntary action.

  • Covered Species means the species for which the Bank has been established and for which Credits have been allocated as set forth in Exhibit F-1.