Plants and plant products definition
Examples of Plants and plant products in a sentence
Plants and plant products are not permitted entry into New Zealand unless an import health standard has been issued in accordance with Section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Plants and plant products to be imported for exportation, by mail, will be handled under permit in accordance with Part 351 of this chapter.[25 FR 1929, Mar.
Plants and plant products may not be brought into Israel without a permit issued by PPIS.
Plants and plant products are not permitted entry into New Zealand unless an import health standard has been issued in accordance with Section 24 (formerly s 22) of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Plants and plant products when of- fered for export or re-export.
All communication pertaining to this import health standard should be addressed to: Animal and Plant Health Biosecurity New ZealandMinistry for Primary Industries (MPI) PO Box 2526Wellington 6140 Email: 1 General conditions for the importation of all plants and plant products Plants and plant products are not permitted entry into New Zealand unless an import health standard has been issued in accordance with section 24A of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Plants and plant products of this type may only be declared in customs offices listed in FOAG notice no.
CBP may determine that merchandise not in compliance with an applicable rule, regulation, law, standard or ban, relat- ing to health, safety or conservation, will not be released for transportation in-bond without the authorization of the governmental agency admin- istering such rule, regulation, law, standard or ban.(2) Plants and plant products.
Plants and plant products for which a permit is required may only be imported via the entry point stipulated in the permit.
Plants and plant products which transit the United States under Customs bond are not eligible to receive thephytosanitary certificate for reexport.Plant pests.